Minutes 1956-01-17
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Arroyo C~rande, California ~
Ja.nuary 17, 19~6
The City Council met in regular session with Muyor Burt presiding. Upon
roll e~ll Couneilmen Lee ~nd Penca reported present. Absent Ceuneilmen Dixson
and Brenns~n.
The minutes of the previous regular m~eting were read And s~lso the informal
m~eting far discussion of water problems. The minutes were approved as rer~d.
All the ~aney had been d~posited for the Whiteley Street sewers znd a mc3tion
was made by Councilman Pence seconded by Councilman Lee ta zward the Whiteley
sewer bid ta I,. E. W~bb ~onstructicn Co. Motion c~rried.
Mr. ~~he~ W. Filer and R. F. Harris appeared in Council meeting and wished
it understood that the amount tc be repaid on the Poplar, Spruce, Aspen s~nd
Sage Street water lines includes only the zmount they had over-subscribed on
the water lines.
G~soline bids were discussed a~nd after discussion a motion was m~de by
Cauncilma~n Lce, seconded by Gouncilman Pence to aWard the ga.soline bid to Shell
Oil C~. Mction carried.
Bids on the rentnl of f~rm land were 0pened And discussed and tAken under
advisement for further checking.
The in~urance on pistol r~nge Has discussed and sever~l questions came up.
It was agreed to have Mr. Taylar and the Chief present at the next meeting t~
discuss the insurance.
Mr. Hnrris reported he would ta.lk to the District Attorney nbout tha money
to be paid back tc> the County on traffic fines.
Mr. Anderson said there had been sorr?~ talk about setser lines on South
Alpine and the cmuncil felt the prop~rty owners would hAVe tc~ petition the
City Couneil if they xere interested.
Mr. .~ndsrson reported h~ wculd h~ve the specifications for drilling a new ,
well ready for the next meeting.
~soLUTZON ~335
On mation of Councilmsin Pence, seconded by Councilr?~n Lee and on the follmwing
roll c~ll vot~:
A,YES: Councilmen Burt, Lee and Pencm
NOES: Nane
ABSENT: COUncilmen Dixson and Brennzn
the foregoing resalution was adopted As read.
It wasrrwved ~nd second~d the Clerk publish the notice of election. Motion
Bills agzinst thc General Fund for ~1757.It7 and.the V~~ter Fund for ~83l~.17
were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business ~ppearing on motion the meeting adjourned.
r J
A`1'TEST : , ~
lty Clerk Mayor
Janu~ry 26, 1956
Special meeting was called to give Councilman Brennan permission to lcave ~
~the St~te~ i~ayor Burt presided. Present Councilmen Lee, Pence, Dixson ~nd '
On motion of Councilman Dixson, seconded by Councilman Lee, Councilmzn .
Brennan was given permission to leave the St~te Febru~ry 2nd to 21st. Motion '
carried. t~Ieeting adjourned.
Februa.ry 1, 195b ~
special meeting called to mnke a decision on l~asing of portion of City
Fzrm. rlayor Burt presided. Pr~sent Councilmen Lee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan. ;
After discussing the l~asing of the land a motion~was made by Council;nzn '
Brennan, seconded by Councilman Dixson to lease twenty ~cres, more or less, a.t ~
~75.00 per acre for a four year term and also the City to pay the differ~nce on ~
the wcll to the standards for City us~. l~~otion carried. 1
On motion of Councilman Brennan it was a.greed that Mr. H~rris prepare th~ `
lease znd the Mayor zuthorized to sign the lease for the ~ity. Any permanent •
improvements to revert to the City. ihe motion wzs seconded by Councilman
Dixson and motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
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