Minutes 1956-02-28 _ , Ct7 , .Si~ ' ~ ' ~ , Billa a~ainat the (}eneral Fund f~r ~1757.4? znd tht Watsr Fund f~r #831~.1? W~r• audited, appriv~d and order~d pzid. No further buainess ~ppearing up~n mati~n ths meeting waa ~d~ourr~~d ti~ ~ Tuesday Febru~ry 28th, 1956 at 5 P.M. ~ , .~TTI~'ST s ~ . ~ ~ity .lerk Mayer Arroys Grznde, Calif~rnia ~ Febriu~ry 28, 1956 ~ P.M. ` The City Council met in s~n adjourned meeting fer ths purp~se of aws~rc~#.ng th~ garbzee franchi~e a~nd tm have a report en the actien taken by the Cou~ty ~ard ~f Sup~rvis~rs in rsgards to a County ~ide szles tzx. I~yer Burt presided and ~n r~ll call Councilm~n I.fe, Penc• znd J3r~nnan reported preasent. CeunciLa~n D3.yc~~n arrived lstter. . It w~g rmp~rt~d ths ~o~rd of Supervisers decided not t~ pass a salsa t.~c ~rdinance at this tim~. Mr. AndreWa presented z p~tition with 255 signature~ raquesting ths C~u~ci1 t~ s~ward the gnrbage franchise bid t• Mr. Andrews. i"Ir. ~I,ndrew David agked the Gouricil te awzrd the bid t• Spady Di~p~aal ~ervice ! as th~y hs~d ~ubmitted the highest bid and hAd off~red 1~W~r rates if th~ g~rbag~ b• pla~esd at the eurb. Mr. D~~ Shaffer •n behalf af th~ Planning C~~nmisai~n requestsd Mr. d~idrsvs h be givsn tht franchise in visw sf th~ impr~ved a~rvic• given br him ai~a~• tis had tak~n over th~ prea~nt franchise. C~uncilman Brennan rep~rted he hzd checked at Pianu Bsach and f~und•th~rs hs~d be~a ne c~mplai~ts ~n the Spady Diap~sal, en ch~cking xith some of th~ ~erctianta thsy rep~rted there hs~d been sams arguments over servic~. : Mr. David pr~t~~t~d T~1r, lndrews uaing the ne~r dump sit~ ~hould h~ be ~t~arded ths fr~nchise evsn until a n~w dump could he l~catsd. ; Mr. ,11~drow~ W~s aaked if h~ could ua~ the San Luis flump if has wsre ataarded ~ - the franchiee. Hs aaid he could, h~xev~r he could h~rdly a.ff~rd to ainc~ hs h~d put ~ut so much prep~ring the new sit~. Pqr. D~vid questionsd Mr. AndrEwa ab~ut' permission to use the San Luis dump site and Mr. Andrewa ~saur~d him hia s~tt~rne~r ~ . had ebtain~d permiasion to use the dump if necossary. . , ~ ~tJ~}.t ~ , ~ Mr, D~vid asked thzt should tn~ Cauncil ~wzrd the bid t~ Mr. ~?ndrsw~ thc ' ; cantract a~rc~ment st~te he should not be allmw~sd t~ dump gzrbage othsr thzn ; fr~m ttie City of Arrayo Grznde ~t the new site. The Couneil questioned whether they h~d thzt p~wer but Mr. David s~id in the 3 ordinzMCe they could mzke that atipul~tion. As neither Mr. 1~ndrews s~ttorney •r Mr. H~rris were present it wzs ~greed to h~ld over tti~ ~ra~rding ef the bid until the Mzrch bth m~eting. Mr. Dick Werst ~ppe~red before the Council znd reported Mr. Andr~ws hAd giv~n excellent ~ervics and while the other bidder might give just ~s goad ~~rvics we were sure ~f the s~rvice we were gettin~ new. No further bu~iness zppearing on motimn the ma-ting was ~djvurned. k~i i''t~'~ ; d,,~ /~i, ~ City Clerk Maycr _ _ : . . °