Minutes 1956-03-06
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grroyo Crr~nde, Califarnia ` ~
March 6, 195b
~ The City Council met in reeular session xith Mayor ~urt presidin~. Upon r~Ci~l
` call Council~en Lee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan reported present. ThQ ~d,nu#~es
of the previous ra~ular and ad3ourned ~eetinss xere read And approved as read.
The axardin~ oF the GArbn~e F`ranchise was the first matter diaeuaa~ed anc~
:e~reral property cwners from the Oak Park area xere heard protestin~ the dispo~al
site in ths~t area. ~r. Harris e~lained the city council' a~ poaition on tl~e u~~
of tha aite and trantina of the franchise. Petitions xere filcd r~rith 255 ~i~natarea
oP persons requestin~ the council to axs~rd the franchise to H. M. Andre~vt~. '1t
vaa a~reed it Would take at least 1t5 days or more to ~et approval on s~t3~er
disposal site. A motion ws~s made by Counci].man Lee to aWard the franchi:se ~o
H. M. Andrexs if he a~reed to discontinue the use of the Oak P`ark site as.~en
as po3sible to aecure approvs~l on another aite, and not loneer than qt? ds~7a, ~r,1so
to discontinue the use of' the site sooner provided another site is avai3~a~le.
The arot3on xas aeconded by Councilman Pence and all members voted dye.
It xas moved and seeonded t,hat Mayor Bui^t si~ the sales asreemtnts grap~rrsd
F b~ the Count~r Tax Collector on property Which the county and atate wit~terd to'
A petition trom property oumers on Pecan Street wasread and seversl 4f the
groperty oWners xere present to discuss improvemeat of Pecan Street. Th~
a~reed to put in curbs and ~uttera if the city would surlaee th~ atreet. it
one time l~lr. Ne~n had asreed to participate in the cost. Mr. AnderaoA Mas
aaked to firure the coat of materials s~nd it xas au=~e~ted if the~ pay ior '~t
n~aterial the city mi~ht do the work. ~hen Mr. ~inderson has fisures read~r, theT
would di:cuss who and how they would participate.
Property o~?ers on a portion of Qrand Avenue had put up a lOSS depo±~i,t c~i
tstimate for ae~ers and on motion oP Counci7.man Brennan~ Mr. Anderaon ~u~ s~#.h~MZSd
to ~et plans nnd Bpecificntions ready a,nd call for infor~al bids as it ~s~' ~ e~er#~y
amall ~ob. The mc~tion ~s seeonded by Counci7.man Dixson and all ~embe~a Y+o~t~sd t~?e.
~ ~ letter was to be written to Hr. Carnes informint him oS the Plaz~i~
` Camm~issions recomm~ends~tion to de~nT his reque~t for abandonmant of tAhe ga~tio~
of Garden Stre~t.
The nex map of Tract ~10I ws~sapproved by the CitT Couneil shoxin~ a b~ Ii~ Yor
~rater and the lot aise chan~ea as reeommended by thc Ci~T 8n~ineex~.
. .
R&soLUTION ~339 ~
A Resolution of the City Council to anaend Resolution ~276 - Sec 2- Sub- :s
section 2.2 to omit the lt inch size pipe for water and Sec 1- Subaection (3-1 ~
to chanre the minimwn allowzble lot area to 51~00 sq ft, the minimum ProntaCe to ~
60 ft, and the minin~um depth to 80 feet. ?
On motion of Councilman D~cson nnd seconded by Councilman Lee and by the followin~ ;
roll call vote to ?it: ~
pYFS: Councilmen ]3urt,. I~ee, Pence, Dixson and Brennan
NOFS : None
.0.HSB~NT : None
the fore~oin~ resolution was adopted. .
Mr. Anderson had specifics~tions reAdy for callin~ for bids on drillina a new
well and ~ motion was made by Councilman Dixson to advertise for bids to be opened
March 20, 1956 at 8 P.M., the motion was seconded by Co~cilms~n Brennan and all
me~nbers voted A~e.
Mr. Anderson reported the 6dhiteley Street sewers were in znd ready for approval.
A motion xas ma?de by Counci].ms~n Brennan, ~econded by Councilman Dixson to approve the
sewers~ motion es?rried.
Mr. Anderson asked for approvxl on the sewers in the 1'2on~romery property and a '
motion wasmside by Councilman Dixson, seconded by Councilman Lee to approve the
MontEomery sewer line. Motion carried. ;
. ,
Clean-Up week was discussed and it w~.s a~reed to hane Clean-Up Week the first ~
week in April. ~ ?
B8 IT RESOLVID, th~t the Grant Deed for Easement from CLAUDE FRANKLIN MQKTGOMERY
and BEHNEDA A. N~ONTGOMERY, husband and wife as ~oint tenznts, and BERNICS C. HOLMES,
a xidow, to the Cit~r of Arroyo Grande attached hereto and the same is herwith order~d
On motion of Councilman Lee znd seconded by Councilman Dixson and on the .
followin~ roll call vote, to~rit:
AYES: Burt, Lee, Pence, Brennan and Dixson
NOFS: Non~
ABS~NT: None
the foregoin~ resolution vas adopted this 6th dsiy of March, 1956•
, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Crra,nt Deed for ~asement from CLAUDE FRANKLIN MONT(301~ERY
and BERN~3l1 A, I~IC?NT(30NIEFtY, husband and wife as ~oint tenants, to the City oP Arroyo
Grande attached hereto and the same is herewith ordered recorsied.
r~~.: , - :
- On motiaa of GounEilman Lee and second,ed by Counoil~~an Hrenrun s~nd on
~ the foilo~S.ns roll call vote, to~it s . +
~ ~AY'~s Burt, Lee, Pence, ~rennan and Dixson '
~ DtOSS ; None
i ,AFSENT : ~tone
~ tb~ ~ore~oin~ reeolution was adopted thia 6trh da~ of Masch, 195b. ~ ~
~ The map xit~.h street lirhtsreeommended l~y tMe P.a. & 8. en~ineer W~a c~stzua~ati
and on motion of Councilau~n Pen~e, aecondad by Conncilman Dixaon aut2sorl~atis~:
for instsllation of 12 atreet liphts was approved. ~otioncarried. :
Bills a~ainat tt~e Cieneral Fund for ~5805.~t3, the Water Furid for ~2E1le8.39,
' th~ Water Depcait Fund for ~2lt.00 and the 3ewer Rental I~nd Por ~2.78 ~t
audited, approved and ordered paid. - _
On motion of CouncilmAn Pence and seconded by Councilman Brennan vo~t~~tl~s...`
' -#~lal~ tbrou~h 49 were authorized for tr:nai'er. ~ •
No further buu~ineas appe~r the meetin~ ~d~ourned.
~ itr erk ~ror
~ . Marah 12, 1956 ~ P.K,.
~rt 3nformal meetina of the City Council to discuss ~ter probl~~ xi'~
I~a~or Burt pre~sidin~. Present Couucilmen Lee, Pence, Dixsen and Brennaaa.
Mr. ~inderson reparted the County iras roin= to be workint on ~la~ St~eet
and the City would be ~tantin~ to put ~ 10 inch line out to (~rand .~~ziu~. •~~d~
it bs installed before the work on the street ~as to be doae? Alao tY~ere ~a~
soars talk o~ t~reTer Citr comin~ an t3r~.nd to Spruce Street With xater linee` s~d
the question arose as to ho~r it would affeet the City's Master Plan. -
The Hrisco Hill xater 13nes were discussed and Mr. Anderson s~ieatad .tha'
- ~3000.0~ xhich 2ud l~een bud~eted this year for replacina lines on Hillcrest'
xould probnbl~ take care of ~he problem this year and as time rrent on'ot~har
portions of tkie lines could be replacsd.
T31e Goun~il a~reed to hold a~eetin~ with the Grover City Water: Hc~ard ~t>
soon as a~eretin~ could be arran~~d to get n policy on botu~dary lines t'or ~'utu~
plannin~• ~ .
No aationa xare taken nnd the Clerk wa~ asked to call I~'. Paae oP
{~ro~ner City water to Arran~e a meetin= date for tTheir B~ax~d and the? CitT C~~#1.
M~eetini ad~ourned.
ty erk yor .
. _ _ . _ . , , , _