Minutes 1956-03-26 ,
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Arroyo Gr~nde, Ca.lifornia
' I~'izrch 26, 195b
Speci~l meeting of the Council c~.lled for the purgose of ordering b00 feet
af 10 inch pipe. I~yor f~urt presidcd and present ~ouncilmen Penca, Dixson ~nd
Br~nnan. Absent Councilman Lee.
T~r. Anderson reported the ~ounty w~s ~oin~ to improv~ Elm Strcet between
Popl~r ~nd Gr~nd sooner th~n they h~d pl~nned ~nd it would s~ve considerAble money
to put th~ w~ter line in before the street was improved.
A motion w~s m~de by Councilm.an Pence, seconded by Councilm~n Brennan
~uthorizing Mr. Anderson to ordcr E00 ft of ld inch ~sbestos cement pipe.
Motion ezrried.
tsic~s for drilling the new wcll were discuss~d and it was ~~rced to advertisc
~g~in ~nd the bids to be opened April ll, 1956.
It w~s su~~ested propcrty owners ~long the new water line on Gr~nd Avenue
be ~llowed 3~ da.ys to pzy for the $1.00 per front foot, a.fter the 30 d~ys it
would be ~1.20 per front foot. tdo action was t~ken and it was ~~PC~L'G~ t0 't~liC it
up ~t the next meeting.
~to further busincss the me~ting ~djourned.
. „ ~
~iTTEST: . ~,,t% '
City lerk I~yor , -