Minutes 1956-05-01 . ~ Arraye~ Grand~, Calif~rnia ~ay 1, 195b The city ~~unci.l met in re~ular sessic~n with Mas~ar ~urt pre~idin=. tTpon roll call CQUncilm~n L~e, Pence, Jacob~ and Brannan r~port~d pre~ent. Tho minut~s of the previaus re~ular me~tin~ x~re r~ad and approved as smendeci, Mayor ~3urt appointed the fvll~wing Commi~sionera~ Eir~- ~;r.r3 Fire and Police DQpt. H. E. Le~ Financa Robert V. Jacob~ ~rater J. O. Pence Streets ~iaury Br~rix~an Mayor B~art reported the i~land~ had b~~n cl~an~d and wer~ to 1~ rspianted as sc~c~n aa possible by a group of volunte~rs. The committee app~inted to ae~ about hirin~ an en~ineer said th~y had. nothin= to report. Chief Bennett asked about puttin~ a notice in th~ paper askin~ people to cl~an off l~ta~ befor~ fire s~ason starts and the su~gestion was approv~d, ~ouncilman Le~ reported ao~on~ had contaeted him about ~dor from the ~~aw~r farm. It was r~ported th~ repre~entative from the Sta.te Dept. of Fublic Health ha~ reported everythin~ wa~ in ~ood ord~r When h~ had in~pected recently. Chief Mize reparted we have be~n sendin~ th~a weather report by radi.o tc, Pismc~ Beach and they were r~portin~ to KEYT and we would raak~ th~ ea11s for the mc~nth ef June. It was alse sug~ested ta hav~ the weather report in the San Luis Obispo pap~r. Chief ~ize ask~d to be absent from next Council_ me~ting 8T3£~. &~..SO ask~d if he mi~ht hav~ an sxtra we~k of vacation as he had put i3~ a~reat deal af o8erti~ during the tim~ tho_force was short an officer, He ~aid he planned on =oin~ tc~ .A].aska and would like to be ~one f~r a mc~nth from about Jun~ llth. He had one weeks vacation left fram last year and the two week~ fs~r this ~ear. Gouncilman L~o made a motion that the Chie~' b~ a1low~d last ~ears week and an additio~al we~k tc~~ether with this ~ears 2 weeks vacation, Gouncii~an Brennan seconded the ~tion and all member~ vated A~re. Th~ request to put a t~mpc~rary ~i~n up on Branch 5t. at the eorn~ar of Wesl~r ur$in= people to vote on the I~ay 1$th school election was discussed and the reque~t Cranted. The Chi~f had a picture of the City af ~rro~o Grande taken aom~time araunt 1910 He had borrawed it fres~ th~ San Luis 8bispa Coun~~r and after discussimn it was a~ree~l to have one ~ade twicQ a~ lar~e for th~ Cauncil Chambera. ~o - Chief Mize 3Li~~@5t6G~. Tt~ parkin~ be allowed an 1 space eaat of the erosswalk on th~ north side af the street and 1 spece w~st of the cro~swalk on ths south sid~ af th~ street in front of the Post Offic~. Th~ cauncil approved the ~ue~estion as the Chief report~d ther~6 had been several n~ar accid~nts ther~. Th~ intersectian at Grand Ave. and ~alcyon Rc~ad was di~cussed after a l~n~th~r discussian MayQr ~urt appmint~d Councilman Brenna.n, Ghief l~ize and Joe AndQrson to check and ~Q~ what wa~ best to do. Representatives from the Divis3.on of Hi~hways were present to da.scus~ the r~ali~nment af water and sewer lines where the Freeway wa~ ta be ean~tructed. Th~ council tabled the matter tn ~ive it further atudr and talk it c~ver With th~ ' ~n~ine~r after one had b~en app0inted. Th~ Hi~hw~r representative~ reported the property had b~en purchased and the fr~eway eould ~o ahead if mgre mc~n~y beeame available. It wa:~ reparted the money was in far the ~evade Street sewer and all but one lot fc~r th~ Grand ~vv~snue sewer and Councilman Brennan made a mation~ secanded bT CQUncilman Jacobs ta accept the bid ~f W. ~i. L~l~. Mc~tion carried. Mr. Anderson reported they were tv start nn th~ wa21 tomqrrow. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence to autharize Ihr. Ander~on to order 600 ft. of 1~ inch csment asbestcas pipe. The motion was s~cond~d by Gour~ci7.ma.n I.ee and a11 members vated Aye. R~.SQLUTION ~3~t3 RESt7LUTI0N OF THE CITY GGtT~1CIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ RELATIAE TO THE ~1FPOINTME~tT OF MAYOR PRQ-TEM. WHEFtF~S, the ~%ity of Arroyc~ Grande has no per~san desi~nated to act in the g~~ee and stead c~f the re~ular ~layc~r when said Ma~*or is absent. NO~d THEREFORE BE IT R~OLVED That in accordance with Seetion 36841 af th~ Government C~de that J. Pence be and he is herewith appointed Ma~or Pro-ter~~` to act in the place af and in stead of the re~il.ar duly appoint~d l~ayor in th8 event of hi~ absence. On mc~tion of Councilman 33rennan ~nd second~d by Councilman Jaeobs and esn the followin~ roll call note: ,~YES: Couneilm~n ~3urt, Lee, Jacobs and Brennan Iu~ES : Non~ d~3S;r~iT: ~iane Councilman Pence abstain~. the fare=oin~ Resolution was adopted thi~ lst day of May, 1956. ~ On motion of CQUncilman 23rennan, it was a~reed to prepare the papers for th~ Gas ^1ax Nta.intenance Bud~et far the coming year ~nd decide an eons~tr-uction money later. Councilman Penee seconded the m0tian and al1 members vot~d Aye. Bill~ a~ainst the General ~und for ~2957.63, the Water ~und for ~12,209.??, the ~Iater D~posit Fund for ~8.00 and the Traffic Safety ~'und for ~9l~7.60 were audited~ approv~d and ordered paid. , On motion of Councilma.n Lee and seconded by Councilman Penc~ transfer of vouchers ~~6 throu~h ~62 was appraved. I~otion carried. No further business appearin~ an mation the meetin= r~ras ad~ourned. liTTEST: ~ .~-..~l,.%.er`~~,;f a `c~,.~ lCC~Ct ` ~ ~ ; ~ / ~ City Clerk Mayor~