Minutes 1956-06-06 . ~ Arrmyc Grznd~,Calif. dune 6, 1956 The Cit~r Csuncil m~t in re~ular ~ession with Ma.yor Burt presi~tin~. Upmn roll csill Ceuncilmen I.e~, Ja~cobs ~nd Brenna.n reporte~i present. C~uncilma~n Penc~ a~rrived l~.ter. Th~ minutes af the previ~us regul~r meetin~ were re~i an~. zppr~vel as rez1. . RESOLUTION ~ 31t7 OF TH~ CITY C~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GFi~iND~~ COUNTY OF SAN I,UIS OBISPO~ RELATZVE TO TH~ AIdNEXATION OF C~ftTAIN UNINHA~ITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF .~RROYO GRAN~T. On motion of Councilmzn Ja.cobs, sscon~el by C~uncilm~n Br~nnan~ an~l an the f~llowing r~ll c~.ll vate, te wit: AYES~ Cauncil.mcn Burt, Lee~ P~nce~ J~cobs a~n~l Brennan NOF~.S : None ABSENT: Non~ the fmre~oin= r~solutimn is hereb~ a.d~pted. A~.yar Burt a.ppointe~l Cmuncilman Pence tc~ a,ttenl a~ wa.ter meeting with r~presentativ~s fram all intereste~t group~ ta stu~ly lon~ ra.n~e w~ter plzns. A~ayor Burt said he woul~. like t~ ~ttesnd zlso when a time ~n~ pl~ee f~r the m~etin~ hz~ b~~n agrea~d up@n. R~SOLUTION ~ 31~8 R~;SOLUTION CIF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRf~NDE ' ADOPTING ~UDGi~T AiYD APPROVING MEM()RANDUM OF ltGRE~MENT FOR EXPENDITU~~~.E OF ~AS TAX ALIACAZ`ION FOR M~1JOR GITY STREETS. , On m~tian .f C~uncilm~,n Brennstn,, secended b~ GOUncilm~n Lce, ~.nd on th~ fol3r~win~ rell c~.ll vote~ to wit: ~YFSs C~uneilm~r~ ~urt, Lee, Penc~, J~cob~ ~nd Brenn~.n NOES s ~on~ ABSENT: Non~ the f~r~~Ain~ re~olution is hereb~r a,dopte~l. Councilman J~cobs rea.d a letter prcp~red a.~kin~ for a. stu~ly t• buildin~ z hi~hway from the vall~sy t• emme thr~u~h the Huzsn~. are~ a.n~l thr~u~h Array~ Grznd~ t• c~nnect with 101 Hi~hwny ~nd the be~ch ~reAS. The letter wa.s approved a.nd the I~yor ~.uthmrized to :i~n the letter. A 1ett~r w~s te be written to th~ D ivision ~f Hi~hway~ f~r their recommend~tion ~n a cr~s~ w~lk which had been requestel by th~ Presb~rterian Church. i ~ - - ~ The cammittee a.ppeinte~l ta a~+ake a, recommendation on hirin~ a~ City Tn~ineer reporte~t ~fter a. short recess. The rec~mmen~led ~ letter bd writt~n to th~ Pzci~fic En~ine~r~ zskin~ them to ~tten~l the next meetin~. C~uncilman Brenn~:n hs~d reporte~. they mi~ht be intere~t~~l in ~lain= the w~rk on the sa,me b~sis formerly d~ne by Mr. H~mlin~. a Nl~. Andersmn wa.s t~ prepnre m~re ~i~urea ~nd estimates ~n work nt Halcyon ~n~t Gr~nd intersccti~n ~n~. wait until Mr. H~rris wzs back to ~al~ " ~bout property ewner pa.rticipat~on. ~ Mr'. Ncal fr~m the Divisi~n flf Hi~hwt~.ys w~a present an~l aske~l Absut rel~c~ti~n •f th~ City w~ter ~nd sewer line~. He reporte~l the Stat~ wauli.• take c~re ~f ne~;otiati,n~ f~r the pr~perty from Heidker f~r th~t portien ~l~n~ their property. It was ~gree~. to wzit until Mr. H~rris was baek an~l Ma'. Ne~l wpm~.l c;~ntact him before ~ta,rtin~ any ne~~ti~tions. Councilm~n Penc~ requested permis~i~n to le~ve the at~te June ISth t• Julg 6th ~n~l mn m•ti0n of Councilmin Brenn~n~ s ecanded by C~uncilman LeQS send unanimsua a~reement the r~quest was =r~nted. J~rry ~esnnett report~d he had startad work at~c~h~ post-offics an~l Teny M~rszlek and M~rion Ha~wkin: were t• ta~ke over in hi~ pl~ce in the d:iytime . Couneilman Lee auggeste~t the s+.~opti~n of a fire cade a.ni sc~me procedure: ~t up zb.ut stz;,~i.ng with a firc when ca.lled te be sure it w~uld not flar~ up ~~a.in. Also a,n ord.in~nce about c~verin~ an~t cleAnin~ a.round incineratars, ~te. Plan~ should al~e~ be ma.de fmr ond or tws paid fire~n to ms~kc inspectimn~ anel keep ~quip~ent in carder. Councilman Brenn~n ~ske~t ~bout w~ter dr~ina,g~ ~n Wesley Avenue. Mrs. R~lph repmrted w~ter h~d dr~ineel ~nt0 her praperty sinc• the w~rk hz~l been done ~n L~rchm~nt. Mr. Andcr~on wa.s to ch~ck and ~ee if th~ ~Lr~.inag~ h~~l bcen change~. in ~ny way. Gouncilm~n ~sc~bs reporte~l there was sort of z blind spot at ths inters~ction of H~lc3ran Read ~.z~d Fzir ~zks A.vcnue. It wzs su„~ested a letter be written to the ~o~r~l ef 5upervis~rs and a copy sent t• Mr. $hc~h~r, askin~ thasm to msike a~ stud~r or survey ta se~ if it could be corr~ctel in some way. Ceuncilman ~rennan r~portel ezttle trucks were p~rkin~ alon= th~ west s3de of the isla.nd ~nel ma~kin~ it very ~angerous to pull en the hi~hw~y fr~m Nel~mn Str~et. It wa.s a.greed t~ writ~ the State Hiahwa.y and ask Abe~ut paintin~ the west sid~ of the isl~.n~. re~l. : r . . . . . . . . .I . . ~ . Chief Mi~~ ~ske~. permission to leaue the ~tate fr~m June 8th ts smmetims in Jtz~y and it was moved ~nd ~econ~led to grant hia request. The Clerk w~s ~iv~n perm3s~ion t~ hire Mr~. M~.r~aret Wil~en As Mrs, Nzncy Saunders was lea,vin~. _ ~ills ~~a,in~t the Genera~l Funal for ~6~3It6.l~0, the Wzter Fund f~r ~L~,1t1~2.63, thd W~t~r Dc~posit Funa for ~17,50 zn~ the Sewer R enta.l Fun~i for ~3.~1 wer~ ~uatits~l, appr~ved and ~rdereal psai~l. On motimr~ of Cmuncilmzn Brenna.n, seconde~l by C ouncilm~n Pence~ na~uchers N~. b3 thrmu=h 69 were a.uthorize~ fer tra.nsfer. RTo further busincs~ a.ppearin~ the mc~tin~ a~~l~ourne~i. , i~, ' ~9' j~ ~ A`i TEST : _ ~l ~ 1 ;1`~.5~' i. ~ r': City lerk .