Minutes 1956-06-19 ~
a ~rroyo ~rrande, California,
June 19, 1956.
The City Gounail ~et i.n regular session with ~+Iayvr Burt presiding. Upon
roll ca11 Councilmen Lee, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. lbsent
Councilman Pence.
; The minutes of the previous regular ~eting wer~ read and approved as read,
Mr. W. E. Mct.ennan ~ras preseat to d3scu~a the eagineering position left
vacant by the res~ignation of 1~lr. Ha~al.in. ~ie offered to act se~ consul.tirig
eng3,ne~sr at ~100.Q0 per month and attend all ~seting,sand $evote an aver~ge oS
~t hrs. per r~eek to the ~ob. After discusaion he was to2d it Would ~ro~bl,y
not be neces~ry to attend but one ~eeting each nonth. 'Hs agreed to work for
the sams Yigure Mr. Hamlin ~ras getting.
2he ti~and and Halcyon intersection was reviewed and it ~ras agreed to as~
the property ovner if,he would participate fln the c~st oF putting in curb~
gutter and xa1k, '
The letter froa~ Miss Hurd, Caunty Auditor, asking about refund on tyhe o~er-
pay~nent of fines paid to the City~ was read and Nrr. 'Harris reconauend~d the Citq
~aake the refund on a~ payment ba~is and he said he would speak to Mr. 4rundel't:
. about, t,he plan. . .
Council~an Zee asked about extra tajces for Fire Dep~rt~ent and Was told it
would have to be aubmitted to the vcters to raise tihe tax r~t~. 'Couneilm~n Lee
then recommeaded ~hat p].ans be started for a fire honse ~nd equip~ent so-it could
be put on the, ball.ot this..fall. I~r. H~rris ~ugge~ted pla.n~ be r~ad~r f
or the
~,ugust meeting, a~ they ~hould be completed in t~e for the Septe~er ~eeting.
it xas agreed to checlc with ~ichard M311er~ of the G~.ty of San i,uis Obispo~ and
Mr. D3,xori Conrad about fire house plans. Mayor Burt appainted a ca~i:ttee of
Counci]~¦~? Les and Jaeobs and l+~r. I~derson to see ~bout plans for a fire houae.
1~. ~t, Dt~al~~ fro~ the Division of Iii~hways~ said th~y would ne~otiate
or conde~n i.f' necessary tt~e s~hpooY land for relocatio~ of the r~e~er 11ne a~.ong
the Wly side of the free~ay right-of-~ray. A~tion Was made by Counci}.~an ?ree,
seconded by Council~n Jacobs~ authorizing the Mayor to e~ecute the suthorization
to negotiate or condemn at no co~t to the Ci#g. Le~ and Jacobs
~oted "~re" and Counei]~an Brennan ~~Tc". Motion earried. I~r. Neale reported
the relocation of th~ seyrer lines would be done at no cost to the Ci.t~r, On .
relacation of wat+sr iines they ~rould repl~ce lines at no cost, except that if
it is thought best to install larger lines the difference in si~e ~ould ha.v+e
to be borri by the City.
It ~ras s~reed to hold ov+ar the agreement on relocating the ~ewer ].irua
until ne3ct ~eting. . .
° Relocation of xater line~ xas discu~ssd and a~ ~4r. KcClennan had not had
tims to study the syatex it ~tas thought best to wait until next ~e~rting b~1'ore
making any decision. ~
Qn ~otion of Councilm~a~ Bretu}an, seconded by Council~an Jacabs, l~fr. ~s"ia
was authori$~d to prepare a Resolut3,on aski.ng to have-the ~est curb of tha•-
island painted red fro~ NeYsozi Street south. Y
Mr. ~nderson a~ked about bicl,s on 6 inch asbesto~ cement pipe and a~otion
xas made by CounQi].~an Jacobs~ seconded byr 'C.ouncil~ Brennari~ authori~in~
Mr. ~dsr~on to advertise for txo aar loads of 6 inch pipe. Motioa carried.
Sgt. xichardson reported he had been called to Haker~fielc3 to make a
deposition on the Cook case and it ~as tentati~ly set for ~et. 8~ 1956.
Mr, Harria~ ~aid he wa~ to be over to Bakersfield and ~rould ase the attorneya
over there about the case.
It was agreed to ~eet at 6r1~ P. M. June 26th to discuss the•insurance ~
polici~s ar?d a~k Mr. Taylar and l~rs~. SSs,rrall to be pre~ant,
Bills against the Cieneral Fund for $~~,1,2?~. T5 and t.he Water Fwzd` fcr ~1,163, 3a~
xere audited~ appro~ed and ordered paid.
No further business aPpesrings upon r~otion~ ~he ~eeting ad~jovrned.
~ ~ ~ .
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~ City Glerk or ~ . ~
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