Minutes 1956-06-26 Arroyo t?rande, Ca1if ornia
6;15 June 26, 1956.
~pecial ~eetin~ called to revie~ insurnace policies and satea.
Present Ilo4aayor Burt, Couneil~en Lee and Jacobs, alao P4r. J. W. Tay2.or snd
J. E. Anderson.
gfter ahecking the rates it was agreed to insure the house at the well,
tbe fire house axid old City Hall Por flve years ~rS.th Northwestern I~tual,
The City Hal,l valuatton was to be increased to ~5,000.00 and inaured
for 9(~;6 on a binder until the appriaa~ra had checked and est~blished a
valuation, The policy Would be on a five y~ar annusl extension basia.
No further business the ~eeting ad~journod.
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