Minutes 1956-07-03
. Arroyo t~rande, Califarnia
. . duly 3, 195b
The C3ty Council s~t in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding.
~pon roll call Councilmen ?~ee, Jacobs ~nd Brennan reported present. Absent
Councilman Penee. - .
The minutes of the previous regular and special ~eetings xere read '
~nd approved as read.
~r. Jerry Bennett asked to terminate the Fire ChieY position as of
Julv 31, 1~56 and asked thsit Tony Marss~lek be appointed as Fire Chief as
Qf August lst.
Upon ~no~Cion of Councilm~an Brennan and seconded by Councilra~n Jacobs,
the re~ignation of Bennett was ~ccepted and the n~tion carried. The
Council also wished to e~rpress their appreciation to Chief Bennett for
his serviees the p~~t years.
Couneilman Lee made a n~tion to appoint A.ntonio Marsalek Fire
ChieP as of lugust lst. 1956. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Brennan and all members present voted Ay~.
Marsalek asked why Fire Department Ynembers xere not asked to
attend the Committee meeting to discuss Fire House and fire equipment. He
was told it ~ras an over~ight as at earli~r ~eetings the Fire Chief hs~d
S~t. Richardson reported the Highway Patrol had reported u volunteer
fireman had ran through a boulevard stop on his way to a fire reeantly and
while he had not issued a citation he suggested the matter be ts~ken up ~rith '
the 6ouncil. The car did not haewe a red light or siren. Mr. Harris said
that if a eolunteer fireman could safelq run a stop on his way to a fire~ '
he should do ~o. It would be very costly for the City to install emergency
equipment on private cars even ~f' a per~tt Qovld be obtained.
Tony I~arsalek suggested a ne~ed for a fire ordinance as all the last
fires had been from improper incinerators.
A~r. ~teal from the Divisian of Highxays had the letter and agreement
for relocation of sever~ but as Mr. McClenni?n and Mr. Anderson Were not
pressnt it was agreed to hold it over until theq would be present ~nd have
them go aver the plane~.
~r. Ne~l again asked about reloc~tfon of water lines as the Telephonea
Co. was planing on running th~ir cable on the Valley Road o~rerhead cross-
ing of the Highway, A~otion was ~de by Council~an Lee to in~truat the
engineering departrnent to st~rt investigation or survey for the best
method of relocating the wat~r lines changes made necessary by the Freews~y
construction. ~.'h'he motion xas aeconded by Jacobs and ~tion carried.
Cost and location of a new firehouse was discussed and it was s?greed
to ask the Planing Commi~sion to appoint tWO or ~re representatives to
meet with the cor~mittec.to study location and type oP building for the Fire-
P4r. Costa w~s present to ask Por exten~3on of w~ter and serM.ce to
his nex house and it was agreed to hold it over until next ~teeting ~rhen
Mr. ~,n.derson was present.
~he notice calling for bids on 2 car loads of 6 irich asbestos ce~ent
pipe was approved and the bids Were to be opened at the July 17th meeting
at 7:30 P.~i.
~soLUrrorr # 3l~9
~n motion of Govncilm~nn Brennan, seconded by Council~n JacoY~s,: and.
on the following roll call vate, to-wita ~
AYSS: Counci].~ten ~3urt, Lee, Jacobs and Bre~nan
NOF.~ z None
~ffiENTs Councilman Pence .
the foregoing resolution is hereby ~dopted. ~
A~ayor Burt Xas authorized to execute and sign ~he agreement on the
Pistol Range~ with the Changes recom~ended by the Church Commi.ssion.
Mr. Harris reported he had contacted the County in regard ta use of
the property on the Nie~a. It was suggested to have A~r. Doty, Andrexs~
Mr. Bakeaas~n and a r~presentative from the County Health Department at tha
next ~eeting.
Mr. Tidalgo had asked to have a~ter set on the east side of I~r.
De Leon's property as Mr. De Leon had agreed to let hia~ run the xater line
through his property. The matter was discussed and Mr. Harris said he
Would drax up an agreement.
The Minnie Burgan water and sexer bill was to be changed to a single
minimun as there was no Kitchen use s~t the house in the rear any ~ore. a
Billa against the Gene;ral Fund for ~3675.E,b~ the Water Fund for
~10,082.33, the Water ~eposit Fund for $7~,50 and the Sexer Renta3 Fund
for ~1l~.22 were audited, approved and ordered p~id.
On motion af Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Jacobs vouchera
~?2 through 76 were suthori~~d for tr~nsfer,
No further bu~iness appe~ring, it wag moved, seconded and carried to
ad~ourn to 7:30 P.M. July lOth t Work on the budget.
• ~ ~ ~ )
ATTEST s . ~ F~;~ . ~=.c's z ~ ~~t , L.~~ ~ ~
lerk ~y~
..~rroyo Grande, Califor•rxi~
. July 10, 1956
Th~ City Council ~et in ~n Ad~rn~d ~eeting to go oner the budgets,
I~tayor Burt presiding. Upor~ ro11 call Councilr~n Lee, Pence, Jacobs, and
Brenru~n reported pres~nt. . ~ .
After going over the estimated revenues and balances Por the 56-57 '
fiscal yesr, and the budgets submitted, a~otior~ was ~ade by~Councilman
~3rennar~, secondcd by Council~an L~e to adopt the budgets as thay noW st~and.
Administratine 12~l~2~.00
Folice Dept. 2$~$l~g,pQ
F3.re Dept. . 3,5~.66
A~iscellaneous ?,105.t~
~ Street DePt• ~t5,507.00 ~
~`a~r Dept. b2,576.00
~to further business appearing the ~;eting ad~ourned.
/~,T~'EST: . -i i •
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ity Clerk Hayor