Minutes 1956-09-04 ~o Arroyo (~rande, Calif . Sept. 1~, 1956 The City Cauncil met in regular session with Mayor ~urt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Lee, Pance, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. ~'he minutes of the prev3.otis regular meeting were read and approved as read. ~ motion was made by Councilman ~3rennan~ seconded by ~ouncilm~n Pence that the hearing on ~.nnex~ation of ,Alder Street "A~' Addition be continued to Oct, 2, 1956. ~,].l members voted ~ye. The final map of Traet ~101 w~s presented and a motion was made by Couneila~n Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Brennan to approve the f~nal rr~p and that the proper official be authorized to sign for the City. All members voted Aye. RES~LUTI~N ~35~t RESOLUTION UF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE~ DETER~IININa THAT T~iE PUf3I,SC INT~t~ST AND NECFSSITY D3~A~SA~IDS THE ACQUI5ITI4N OF ,A NF~I" FSRE ENGSN~ .AI~1D TFiE CO~iSTRUCTION 4F A NEW FIRE STATION. On motion of Courlcilman Pence, and seconded by Councilman I~ee and on the fol.lowing roll c~ll vote to-wit: ~YFS: Cauncilm~n Lee, Pence, 3aco~s, Brennan and A'~ayor Burt. NOES: None Ai3SENT : Idone the foregoing resolution was adopted. Mr. ~Andreva reported that he was now dumping his garbage at the ~an Luis Dump. He requested the help of the Council, and any other interested party to continue to seek ~ suit,~.ble loc~tion for ~ disposal. Council.man Lee su~gested asking South San I.uis Obispo Ch~mber of Commerc~ to use their power to assist with locating suitable site. It was a.greed to cancel the 1'~ay and June charge on water to Ledger ~783-~,for F. E. Chambers as th~y had not hooked onto the water meter. Nr. Neale was present from the Division of Highways ~nd discussed the Utility .~greement for relocation of sewers. A motion was ~ade by Counci].m~..n Jacobs~ sccanded by Councilr~an Zee to approve the agreement and the I~ayor be authorized to sign on behalf of the City. ~11 members voted Aye. A motion was then made by Councilman Jacobs to initiate a$#~#,~,y for reloention of the water lines, th~ motion was seconded by Councilman pence. Motion Cs~rried. Bills against the General ~und fo~ ~2852.27, the water Fund for ~13,210.5l~ and the Water Deposit Fund for ~20.00 were audit~d~ approved, ~nd ordered p~id. It was moved, s~conded and carried that Vouchers ~7 through 12 be authorized for txansfer. Counci].m~,n Jacobs made a recommendation that some form b~ ~aorked up to make it easier for property ownera seeking to hav~ sewers installed or improvements mad~. No Further business ap earing the meeting ~d~ournc+d. #TTEST : ; J ~ ~ r'a ~i,-^~ ~ 3~ ~ Ci y Clerk yor Arrayo Gr~.nde, Calif. September Z8,:1955 The City Council met in regulzr ses~ion with M~yor Burt presiding. Upon roll c~ll Councilmen I,ee, Penc~, J~cobs ~nd Ercnnan reportcd present. The Minutcs of the previous rcgula~r meeting wer~ re~d and approved. a~s rexd. Chief ~ize requeGted p~rmission to ~ttcnd thes Le~gue of Californi~ Confarence in Los Angeles in Octo~~r. t?n motion of Cour~cilman Lee ~:nd ~econded by Gouncilm~n Brenn~n the rcqucst wzs ~ranted. Motion carried. Chief Mize reported classe~ werc being held for police officers t~+riee~ ~ weeak " in Sa.n Luis Obispo. He asked if the City would furt~ish gasoline or pay the ex- pcnses of the officcrs ~.ttending ~.nd it was agre~d to a.llow ea.ch ms~n $l.(K~ par week expenaes while attending classes. It was moved~ ~econded sLnd ca.rricd th~t M~.yor Burt sign the Proclunation setting Sept. 23 - 29th ~.s ~Tations~.7. Business and Professiona.l Women's Week bc a.pprovcd. Councilm~n Br~nnan made ~ motion ta ~.pprove thc pl~ns for the improvernent of Gr~nd Ave. at thc Hstlcyon Roa.d intersection, the motion w~s s~conded bg Counc3.lman Jacobs and all m~mbers voted ~,ye. Councilman Brcnnara m~dc a. motion to approvc th~ pl~ns for improvemcnt of Bridge St,~ th~ motion was seconded by Couneilm~n Lee ~rad motion carridd. Couria~ari. Brennzn then m~d~ a motion to advertise for bids on the Grand A~e. and Bridg~ Street jobs ta be bid separs~tel~ ~nd th~ bids to be op~ned Oct. 9th at 7:3~ P•~• The motion was seconded by Gouncilmzn J~aco~s and alI membcrs votcd ~ye • It w~s reported the money had been deposited for the wstcr line to the 1t propertiea on the e~~t City limits ~nd on motion of Couricilm€?n Pence and ~econded by Councilm~n Brennans ~:pprovsl wa~ ~iven for the in~ts~ll~tion of the water line. Motion carried.