Minutes 1956-10-02 Arro~ro Grznde, Ca1if.
~etober 2, 1955
The City Couneil met in rcgulz~ session with ~1~yor Burt presiding. Upon
roll c~ll Councilmen Lee, ~'ence a.nd Jacobs reported present. Absent Councilm~n
'1'h~ minutes of ths previous regular meeting were read and zpproved ~s re~d.
Councilm~n Lee reported the fire alarm radio's had been installed in the
homes. ,
R1~OLU2'ION #35~
CI7~'Y STRr~k;T5.
C}n motion of Councilm~n Lee and seconded by Councilm~n Pence and by the
following roll call vote to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Burt, L~e, Pence and Jacobs
NO~:S : None
ABSEN^1: Cour_cilmar. Brenn~n.
the foregoir.~ resolution was zdapted.
1h~ communicztion from the Division of Highw~ys r~linquishing portions of
~ the High~?ay w~s read ~nd ~r. Harris recommend~d relinquiehmcnt be held up.
Represent~tives from the Division of ~ighwzys were present to discuss the
bridges for crossing V~llcy Rorad and ~rand Ave. The Gouncil did not fe~l the
crossing planned for ~rznd yv~ w~s sufficient for the width of Grand Ave. It
was ~grezd the City Engineers go over -~he pl~ns and report at the next meeting
of the Council. It wzs suggested the St~te m~k~ nnoth~r trzffic check ~s the
one made pr~viously was in 1952.
1'he he~ring on Annexation of ~lder ~t. "A" Ad~ition which had been continu~d
to this meeting wzs anr_ouncsd and ~ motion wa.s m~de by ~ouncilm~n ~ence, seconded
by Councilm~n Le~ to cxtend the time for hearing to the November meeting. This
motion ~nd second w~s lat~r withdrawn and ~ motion m~de by Cauncilman pence
secor_ded by Gouncilrn~n ~acobs to recognize the prot~st of 1"~r. Vernon ~+'izemnn.
i"~otion czrried.
i~i~yor tsurt re~orted he had,,had a request from the ~'.i.A, asking thzt ~ct.
7th through ~ct. 2~th be s~t ~sidc as th~ l~ation~l p.~`.A. ~'eriod. zt was moved
seconded and carried tn~t the i~:ayor sign the proclamation.
`lhere w~s ~ lst. reading of the ordinance prepared for turning over portions
of the Up~er Arroyo Grande Ro~d to the County.
ly~a;~or 13urt ~lso rcported some of the High ~chool students hzd requested
they be allowed to store scr~p iron on the ~ity FArk property for a short-period.
Zt w~s ~grced i~r. Anderson ~how them where the~* could store the iro~,
Tt was moved znd seconded th~t vouchers i~13 through ~17 bc zuthorized for
tr~nsfcr. ,
Bills zgainst the ~cnera.l Fund for ~J~Olfi.09, the Water F~d for ~2860,81,
the W~ter Deposit Fun~ for ~20.00, the Special Gas 2'ax Street I~nprovement
Fund for $1883.22 and the Sewer Rent~l Fund fo~ ~i107.58 were ~udited, ~pproeed
and ordered paid.
On motion of Councilm~n Le~ and s~conded by Councilman Pence authorizati;on
was given to hire Mrs. J~,rmmie Clark in the Clerks office.
~do further business appearing the meeting was ~djourned to Oct. 9th zt
7:3o P.i~.
~TI,E~T: l~~
City Clerk ~ P'i~y ~ ~ ~ ~
Arroyo Ur~nde, C~lif.
7~30 Y.~. October 9th, 1956
Th~ City Council met in an ~djourned meeting with I~yor Burt presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Pance and Brenn~n reported present. Abscnt Councilmen Lee and
Bids for the Ir,zprovement of Brid~e St. znd Gr~nd Ave. intcrseetion were opened
from l~ bidders,
After the Enginecrs h~d checked the bids ~ motion was rr~de by Councilman
Brennzn to ~ward ~90-56-1 for the improvemcnt of ~3ri~ge St. to the Va21~y P~ving And
Construction Co. for their bid of ~2391.80, tr.e motion was seconded by Counci].m~n
~ence and all members voted .~ye.
~ouncilm~n ~srennan made a motion to ~ward #~9~-56-2 for the ~rrand Ave., pro3cct
to A..J. ~i_~ni Construction Co. for their low bid of ~3151.h1, the motion wzs sec-
onded by Councilman Fence ~nd alI members voted Ay~.
jt wzs agrecd to write the State znd ask thzt the ~t~tc make ~'I'rzffic Count
and th~t both Grand .~ve., ~nd Valley ~o~d have tre wider crossings zs both are
I'~l.zin `lrterics to the City from the 1~est, zlso to Ask thzt the circulzr route between
Gr~nd ~ve and V~lley Ro~d be ~iven more thought.
It w~s reported :~en. ~zrhart h~d zgreed to zttend a meeting a.nd have someone
from the ~ighway presr.nt to discuss the ~ighwny problems.
~1o further business zppearing the meeting ~djourned.
AZ'TEST: 1 ~
City Clerk ~ yop