Minutes 1956-10-16 Arroyo Grande, California October 16, 1956 Th~ Gity Council met in regular se~sion with Mayor Burt presiding. ~po~ roll call Gouncilrnen L~e, Penc~ and Br~nnan resported present. Absent ~ouncilman Jacobs. The minutes of the previous rasgular and ad~ourn~d mcseting were re~d and approved as read. A l~tter of r~signation from D~lee D, Whit~~ide was read and a motion by Councilman Lee to accept the resignation of Whiteside and approve the appo3ntm~nt of Pau]. Marti~. to re~place Whiteside~. The appointment to take effect ~ct. I9, 1956. The motion was secoaded by Councilman Brennan and a11 member~ voted A~d. Councilman ~rer~nan reported th~ str~et and water erews had ~rorked overtime and on Saturda~ to complete street work and recommended they be given Friday off and thea City contribute ~2~.00 for ~ barbecue. Councilmar~ ~rennar~ made a motion to allow the ~25.00 for the,barbecue and the motion was seconded b~ Couneilmta P~nce and motion carried. Gounci].mar~ I,~~ suggested having a barbecuE for the Council members and employees. Mr. Anderson reported 2 men were~ to attend a school in ~an Lui.s ~bispo for ~tater Dept. employees. The classes to b~ held once a week~ he ~ugg~sted theg be allowdd expenss money. Councilman P~nc~ recommended the~r bc allowed ~1.00 per man each meeting. ~'hc Council agre~d. Chi~f ~~ize r~portcd many complai~ts about dogs ware being r~ceived and there was a long discussion. Gouncilman Lee agreed to investi~atc several ways to take care of the dogs. ~'he r~quest for a letter to allow the Arrowhead Puritas 1~ater Co. ta operat~e an office and_storage on Traffic ~ay was discussed and a motion was mad~ by Councilnan Lec and seconded b~r Gouncilman Brexanan to grant the reque~t sub~ect to the approval of ~"~r. Harris. l~otion carri~d. ~ ~'he Grarid ~va. overcrossing Was discussed for gome time with rdpresantative~ from the Division of tiighway and it was agrecd to have a traffic ~ount tt~ade. It was agreed to m~et ~ith the ~'lanning Comm~.ssion and have ~onator Erhart and som.- one from the Highway to discu~s ~ wider overcrossing. Tha heading of Urdinance~ #11$ was read and a motion made by°Councilman ~rennan~ s~co~ded by Councilrrr~~an ~'ence to disp~nse ~rith the balance of the reading. i~otion ~arried. OHDINANCE #118 AN ORI3TNA.NCE OF `1H~; CITv OF ARR.~YO GRANDE CON- SENTING 7'(~ A PORTION QF THE UPPER .(~,RdYO GRANDE ROAD BEING CONSTITUTEU A COUiV~,t'Y HIsHWAY AND FAFi,T ~F 'l'HE RO~;D SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUI~ O~sIiFO. On motion of ~ouncilman Pene~, seconded by Councilman ~rennan and or~ the'follow- ing roll call vot~ to witz Councilmen ~urt, Pe~ce and ~rennan ~ NO F~ : None _ ' ABSENT: Cour~cilman Jacobs and Lee. the foregoing Orrlinance w~s adopted this 16th Day of ~ctob~r 195b. .~ills against the General FuMd for ~1857.32 and the Water Fund for ~950.9~ wer~ audited, approvcd and ordered paid. It was moved and seconded that a letter be written in regard to furnishin~ water to Traet ~101. ` , No further business appcaring the m~eting adjourned. . , ~ > ~T 1 F+~ST : /l:~.x E . ~ ~ v . ~-c, ~ ~ , ~ ; ~ ~ ity Clerk ~ ~ Mayor ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. a~tober 2?~, 195b ~ p.m, . ~pccial meeting called to amend the Grand Ave. contract. rlayor Burt pra~ided and ~ouricilm~n Pe~nce and I3rsnna~ present. Absent Councilmen Lc~ a~d Jacob~. - i'~r. ~icL~nnan ~xplained the chan~es and had prepared a resolution. ~~soZU~ION ~356 " RESOLUTION 0~ THE CIZ'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARFtOYQ CrR~DE Tp AMEND COiVTFtACT AND SPECIFICATZONS ON PROJECT q0-K&-2 FOR INIPROVF'I~NT OF GRAPJD AVE. Item 1, of .Article II being the quantity and price for remo~~ing road mix suxfacing shall be deleted from th~ contract and the following addendem shall herewith b~corn~ , a part of said contract knowrf as urand Ave. paving project No. 90-56-2. _ l. Remove 1178 sq. yds. of prescnt road mix surfacing including 133 cubic yards of existing bases material and all incidental work thereto for tne lump sum of ~fi36.12. 2. 5ection 10 Paragraph E of Sp~cifications for materials shall be changed to r~ad: E. Plant Mix: Flant mix sha11 canform to the ~~tandard Sgecifications for lype "B" with 2" maximum grading of mineral aggr~gate, as per Section 20 of Standard Specifications using paving asphalt of 85-100 penetratiott ~s per s~etion 51~ of the Sta~dard Specifications. ~ 3. `~'otal Contract price for this work shall now bc ~3b~9.92.