Minutes 1956-11-20 Arroyo Grande, Calif. , _ ~tovember 20, 13~6 The Ci~Cy Covncil met in regular se~sion with Mayor-Burt presiding, Upon roll call Councilme~ Lee, Pence and Jacobs reported present. Councilman Hrennan'arrived la~~r. ~inutes of the previvus regular meeting were read and appro~ed as read. The request for ar~ne~ration from ~r. Pfankuch xas read and after discuasion it was agreed to refer the request to the Planning Co~ni.ssion and alab for their reco~ndations on Zoning of the area should it be ~nnexed. Mr. Harris a~reed to submit a description of the property to the Gountq Boundary Co~mi.ssion far t,heir rec4~amendation. The letter from 1~, fsravitt askin~; the Cit~ to help pay for the ren~oval of a tree waa to be referred to i~ir. Brer~nan. 3.ater the matter was discussed ~ and 1~. .~.nderson reported the (~ity had hauled axay the brush tri~ed from ~he tree and Mr. Gravitt had cut up the wood for stove ~rood, it ~ras under~tood no one was a~are of any pro~3.se to help with the co~t of rea~oval.. ~The repor~ ~'rom the plann~ng Com~aission and the ~ouncil Co~:ttee appointed to make recoannendations on the ~rand ~ve. crossing was ~ade by Councilman Jacobs. A~tion was made by Council~?an Jacobs~ secand~d by Council~azi P~nce to write the Division af Highways asking to have th~ 35 mile si:~ns moved ont to the Gitg Ziffit~ ta hane an "End of Freewayp s~gn North af to~rn~ to have 5 x 10 ft signs with appropriete wording and flashing li~hts on the upper corners pl.a~Q~d at the north edge of the bridge over the creek and one ~~t beyand where the 35 mile signs'are now and to have some of the hill removed fro~ the highWay at the Northwest corner of the Grand +~ve. intersection. ~ll mernbers voted ' ~ye and Mr. Harris a~reed to write the letter. Mr. ~nderson reported Mr. D~,~, had agreed ~erba~ly to have the ~512.t~0 additional added to the cantraet. On the 013.v~ Street se~rer the property owners and ~.B. Tr~ood were present and Mr. Wood had agreed to put the sewer line in for ~1800 and all propertg owner~ xere willing to put up their money except one praperty owner xhose . snare wou~,d be ~330.00 A~otion Was ~sade bp Councilman Jacobs under the limitations discussed~ta carry the cost of the one {1) lot For ~330.00 an Olive ~t. SeWer, the ~tion was seconded by Cotixicilman Lee and alI members voted Aye. When all t~he money i~ paid in the 3ob will be started and Harris was - to write ~r. W'inslow Evans. Un motion of Councilrr;an Jacobs ~econded by Gounci].rnan I.ee, Mr. Evans was to be notified the cost of the sewer would be ~334.00 if paid wi.thin 15 days otherxi.se 20~ t~il1 be added. 1Kc~tion carrted, _ Counci].man Pence su~gested the taaster plan recommended by the ~iti$en's ~at,er Co~.i.ttee be revised and a1.so suggested the inen~bers of the Gotr~f.ttee be f contaci~ed to see if they would be willing to continue. Counci~sn Penc~ reported he ~roul.d contact ~r. Waiters, R&SOLUTION N0. 358 ' RESaI,UTION DF ~ CI`~Y OF ARftQYO GRANDE RffiTRIGTING THE EFFECT ~F RB~OLUTIC~N N0. 352 OF THE CiTY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYa GRAi~ (7n motion of Councilm~n Lee, and ~econded b~ Councilman Fence~ on the follosring vot.e s AY~Ss J Council~en Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs ancl Brennan. . NOE~= NoAe aBSEAIT: None ths foregoin~ reso].ution xas adopted on the 20th day of November~ 195~ Bills against the General Fund for ~201C1.65~ the ~iater ~'uad foa~ #923.80 ~nd the ~ewer ftental Fund for ~31.50 were audited~ approved~ and ordered paid. ~ Councilman Pence requested perm~.ssion to ~eaqe the Stats for a few days~ and a motion was inade by Councilman Brenz~an, seconded bq Councilman Jacobs to ~ant the request, Motion carried, ' ~o further bus3.ness appearing the meeting ad~ourned. R ~ ~ ~ \ ATTESTa ~~'~rc ~ C~v / ~l~~ ~ itg lerk i I~ay ~ °