Minutes 1956-12-18 : :~3 Arroyo ~rraride, Cali.f. December 1$, 1956 The City Council rnet in regular session with t~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Counci].men, Lee, Pence, Jacob~ and Brennan reported present. Minutes of the previous regular meetin~ were read and approved as corrected. The request for transfer of th~ Garbage Franchise from M. Andrews to Orville C. John was read and di.scussed. Tt was agreed to study the request for' transPer and act on the transfer at the next meeting. The-annexation of the ~'fankuch property ~ras discussed and it was agreed to hold the matter over until hearing from the Boundary Commission and the Cemetery. The Council agreed they were interested in people being brought into the City if they wished to come in. RFSOLUTiON #359 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ~F~ FZLINa OF ~ PL~NS APPLICATI~N u~vEx c~r~ l~7, stat. i9~ tl~tn E, s. ) 0n motion of Co~a.ricilman Brennan, ~econded by Councilman J~cob~ and by the folloxing roll call vote to wit: AYFS: Counci.lmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Brennan and Burt NOES: None ABSENT; None the foregoing resolution was adopted. Councilman Lee made a motion, seconded by Cauncilman Fence to authorf.ze ~50.00 contribution to the Xmas Decoration Fund. Motion carried. I~r. Anderson xeported the crew ~rould paint the curb for the Taxi Stand in a day or so. : Councilman Pence reported he had not received an answer from Deril Waiters in , regard to the Citizens Water Committee reactivation. It was suggested a Citizen's Committee he appointed to study and recommend ~how Fire Equip~ent be finaanced and also to help in putting a band issue a~r.oss if that xas decided upon. Nam~es recommended were as follows: W. D. Iiarkness, ~3en Tognazzini, J. W.. Taylor, Will~rd Cole, Harry Brown, Ray Ander~on, Alick Duncan~ Marvin Hartwig and Henr~t Wachtman, Councilmen s~ere to contact those n~med and see i~ they would servs on a comm3.ttee. Chief ~[i,ze asked about having the motorcqcle ov~rhauled or rebuilt and it was recommended he have the a~torcycle overhauled for the present. ~ Ghief Mitie asked the Council what should be done about the ca11s coming in regarding dogs. The Cit3r not hava.ng a pound or poundn~aster it was becoming more difficult all the time. 44 It was suggested to contact Dixon Conrad and see if there might be a contract with the County to have the County poundmaster care for the ealls. It was agreed to call for bids on gasoline and letters be written to the different companies asking for bids. RES~LUTION N0. 360 RES4LUTIOId N0. 360 OF THE CITY CflUNCIL OF THE CIZ'Y OF' ~,R~ROY~ GRI#,AtDE, Cf~I,IFORAJIA, DESIGPI~.TING AND LQCATING A Nfl P.ARKINs .AREA Ol~ U. S. HIGHWAY 101 IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GR,~NDE .~ND DIRECTZNG T~'E &PPR~PRIATE MA,ftKSldG ^1HEREflF. _ On motion of Councilman Pence and seconded by Counci.lman Lee and on the following roll call aote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Brennan;and Burt. A10ES ; None .A~35EI3T : None the foregoing Resolution i~ hereby adopted. The last U, S. Government Bond from the Water Fund hav3.ng matured it was suggested to invest in another bond. Bills against the General Fur~d for ~3286.1.1~ and the Water Fund far ~895.38 Were audited approved and ordered paid. No further business apnearing the meeting adjourned. , ~I,TTEST i ~it~r Clerk May°r ~ ARROYO C~R~,NDE~ C~iLIF. ~ec. 21, 1956. An informal meeting of the Council was held to meet with 1'~r. Martin Polin to discuss the burbs and gutters to the proposed Service Station on his pro- perty at Halcyon Road and.101. Pr~sent Mayor Burt, Cotuzcilmen Pence and Brennan. ~Absent Councilmen i~ee and Jacobs. Mr. McLennan and Anderson were presen~ ta~th 1~. Folin. . After di,scuss3on it xas agreed to permit a 15 ft. curb and gutter on ~ialcyon Road and 10 ft. on 101 at the corner by the cemeterq.. . On the easterly corner of the ~tation a 20 ft curb and gutter on the curved corner, a 5 ft curb and gutter as shown otherwise on either enda. The Halcyon Road Gv.tter rei+sains as is but extended 10 ft., the rest of the gutter moves out 1Q, ft. Tt was also recomanended there be 5 ft. protectin~ the sign on Halcyvn Rosd. No other business the meeting ad~ourned. ~