Minutes 1957-01-08 4? Arroyo Grande, Calif. January 8, 1957 Informal meeting held in the Gity Hall to discuss information to be prepare~ , far Citizens C~mmi,ttee to-study proposed pro~ect for purchase of fire equipment and fire house. F'resent Mayar Burt, Councilmen Lee, Fence and Jacobs, Mr. Harris, Mr. Anderson~ Fire Chief Marsalek and Ass3:stant Chief Bennett. The tentative plan and estimates which had been prepared on the build.ing were discussed and it was agreed the equipment and building coulFd be done with a~l~Ot000 bond ~s~ue. Mr. Lee was to call and see if there had been an increase in the cost of equiprnent and ~r. Anderson was to che~k figures on the building. Mr. N.arxi~ a;reed to have information ready for the conuni.ttee by the lst w~ek in February. No further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. Arroyo Grande, Calif. ~ January 15, 19~7 The City Council ~et ir reg;u7.ar session wi.tl~ ~iayor ~3urt presiding. ~pon roll eall ~ouncilmen Lee~ Fence, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regu~ar meeting were read and appraved a~ read, also minutes of the informal meeting held January 8 to discuss infor- mation on Fire ~eg~rtment. It was agreed there xould be no transfer of the garbage franchise until the fees were pai.d for the current year. Mr. ~lair ~ibson, ~r. T+~hitman, r~rrs. 4'Connor and i~9r. So~gyi from the t~oods Animal ~helter were present to discuss the care of ~t~R. `i'hey said they cauld not take sick or injured do~s, and they would not be able to pick up dogs. If dogs were taken to the shelter they would c~.re for them ur~til they wera redeeme~. or disposed of, for s small charge. ~fter a long discussion it was agreed to write tr~e ~oard c~f Supervisors to a~k for some coaperation 'from the County Poundmaster. The bids for relocation of sewers having been checked by the Engineers and found correct a mc~tion was made by Gouncilman Jacobs to accept the lo~r bid of W. ~I. I,yles Co. and to ~uthorize the ~ayor to sign the contract far th~e City, the motion was seaonded by Couneilman Lee ~nd all members vc>ted Aye.