Minutes 1957-02-05 Arroy4 C*rande, Calif. . February 5, 1957 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presidin~. Upon roll call Councilmen I,ee, Pence~ Jacobs and Brennan reported present. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. ~ Gasoline bids were opened and after checking, the bid of the ~easide 0i1 Co. was found to be the lowest, A motion was made by ~%ouncilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Lee to award the bid to Seaside Oil co. t~otion carried. I~r. Joe Zogata was present and was tald there was no further word on anne~tion. He reported h~ would be interested if the other property owner~ were ready.- Mr. Ha11 was present to ask about zoni.ng on Tally Ho Road and wa~ told an emergenc~ ordinance was b~ing prepared. ~fter discu~sion it was agreed to ask the Flanning ~ommission to zone all the areas in town not now zoned. Also to study the prezoning of area~ outside the City I,in~its. In case of annexation of the property ad3oining tha City , the areas coming in would be brought in as zoned. It was agreed to call a special meeting of the Planning Commission. Mr. Hall asked about clearing the partially burnt hous~ on the MCDonald propsrty. Councilman Lee was to check the ~tate Law to be used in such cases. Mr. Neale of the Highway Department ~u~gested the ~ity proceed with the work of relocating water lines now that the Grand Ave. Overpass had been agreed upon. It was suggested conduit be plac~d on the Grand ~ve. ~rid~e. The Watcr Committes was to be asked to study the relocation of lines. The check having b~:en reesived from I~Ir. I.oren Newman for ~ater Lines on his property idorth of Crrand ~ve., it was agreed to have ~r. Harris prepare a letter to Mr. Newman informing him there would be no refunds on the line. Councilman Brer3nan asked to have plans preparea for the improvem~nt of Poole and ~hort ~treets. 'I'he property owners should b~ encouraged to co~lete curbs and gutters before the ~rork was started. ~ills against the ~eneral Fund for ~7l~51.l~2~ the ~ater Fund for ~2253.$7~ the Water Deposit Fund for ~53.q0 and the ~ewer Rental Fund for ~23.?9 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. On motion of Council~han Brennan, seconded by Councilman Jacobs~ Vouchers #38 through #?~3 were authorized for transfer. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned. A~.'"P~.ST : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " City Clerk ~