Minutes 1957-03-05 Arroyo ~rande, Calif. ~1 ~areh 5, 1957 The Gity Council met in regular session xi.th Mayor Burt presiding,~ ~pon roll call councilmen ~ee, Pence, Jacobs and Bre~aan reported present. ~he miiiutes o~ the previous regular meeting Were read and approved as read, ~inutes of the February ~6th meeting of the City Planning Comm3.s8Son were read and ordered filed. Councilmen Brenr~n recommended the bill for ~Z20.04 from Mr. Wisea~an be paid. Water servi.ce to J, W. Holloway Was discussed and I~r. dnderson re- commend~d a 6 inch line be installed on E1,m St. to his property in~tead of allo~ring the meter installation on Fair Oaks .~ve. Several sug~estions were made. Councilman Pence reca~mended they allow a ~meter to be installed on Fair Oaks Ave and I~r. HQZloway sign an agrs~a~ent to pay his share of the line when it is to be installed. ~To definite action was taken. The head~.ng of Ordinance No. 119 was read and a motion was made by ~ouncilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Zee to disp~nse with reading the balance of the ordinance. ~otion carried. oRi)SNANCE N0. 119 ~f+i DRDIN,~NGE OF 1HE CITY ~F ARROYO GRl~NDE ZONI~IG ALL PRESENTLY UNZOAIID FROPERTY LYING WI~'HI~T THE CITY LIl~tITS OF THE CITY OF ~,RROY~ CE~NUE, DECL~RING THE ORDINANCE TO ~3E AN F~GE~tCY ORDINANCE ~ SE7:TI1dG FORTH THE FiEASON5 THERF'FOR SUSPENDINQr , OrZDIN~ATCES UR PORTI~NS THER~F II~ CONFLICT HEREWITH DURING TH~ EFFECTIVE I,IFE OF fiHE ORDINANCE, PRAVIDING THAT THIS ORIIIN,~,AICE SH~L CONTINUI; EFFECI'IVE FOR 6~NTHS AF~1'~t ITS PAS~GT, AND ' PRESCRIBIAtG PBNAI,TIES' FC?R VI(~LATIONS HFR.EOF. on motion of Couneilman Pence, seconded by~Council~an Jacobs, and on the folloWi.ng roll call vate, to ~rit: _ AYES: Councilmen Lee, Penee, Jacobs, Brennan and Mayor Burt. NOFS; None ' ABSENT: Non~ the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 5th daq of A~arch 19~7. ~r. Harris agreed to ~arite tl2e owners of the Mccl)oriald property on Tally Ho Road. Pictures of the property and a description were to be prepared for Karris. Mr. I~astro reported the o~ners of property on Wood ~'l.ace were 3.nter- ested in having sewers and a11 but one property owner depasited the 10~ of the estimat.e given them by N`~r. ~nderson, The Council instructed Mrl Anderson to proceed with the plans so they cou].d get bids on.the ~ob. ~z _ ~n motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Zee, ~r. Harris was° authorized to prepare a resolution to set the business license for Merchant Patrol at ~S.OO per quarter. On roll call vote a11 members voted Aye. R~LUTIOX ~to. 365 - A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI7'Y OF ARROYO GftANDE LICE~ISING THE OPERl~2'ION OF A I~ERCHANT PATROL IN SAID CITY AND FROVIDII~G FOR THE RAZ'E OF LICENSE THEKE~~R On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilrnan Lee, and on the following roll call vote AYES: Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Brennan and I~ayor Burt NOES: None ' A~3S~N~ : None the foregoing Resolution was adopt~d this 5th day of A~arch, 195? The Com?~,ttee appointed to stud~r and help with information on F'ire Dept. equipment ~nd a n~w fire house had not called a~eting to date. ChieY ~iize asked about u~ing the rooms'now used by the Judges OfFice and sugg~sted the County be notified so they could make different arrangement9 at bud~;et ti~. It was agreed to iiiseuss the sub~ect later. ~r. ~k?~ennan agreed to have figurea rea:dy on the 'cost of improve~nts of Poo2e, Short and Whiteley streets at the March 19th ~eeting. ~'ost Cards were to be mailed to the property owners to be present at 8:30 F.M. to di.seuss the imprave~ents. Bills against the General Fund for ~l~,7l~8.77, the ~ater Fund for ~1,910.80, the ~ater Deposit ~'und for ~16.04 and the SeWer Rental Fund for ~5.95 Here audited, approved and ordered paid. On motion of ~ouncilman Brennan, seconded by Counci7:m~n Jacobs~ oouchers ~o. 2tLt throug~ ~Ja. were authorized for transfer. l~o further business appearing the meeting adjourned. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~,T~E3T: ~ ~ r ~'r t, : City Glerk ~3~1 May~~r