Minutes 1957-03-19 's~~ A~rroyo C~rande, CaliP. ~arch 19, 195? The City Council met in regnlar:sessian with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. The minutes of the previous regular ~neeting were read and approved as read. Mr. Anderson reported A9r, I.ancaster had requested an e~tension of the Water line on Aspen Street to his property and was ready to put up the necessary payment for the line. Anderson was told to have the line installed when the payment was made for the line. _ ~he line to Mr. Holloways property was discussed and a motion made by Council~an Pence seconded by Councilman ~rennan ta set the meter an F~r ~aks ~ve. after Holloway had deposited his prorated share of a line on E2~ St. ~].l r~~bers voted ~ye. ~r. Anderson asked•abou~ installing a b inch line on Elm St, to the ~olloway property while the line was being laid on Alder from Ash to Dodson. It was agreed to table the installation of the line at this t~.me, A motion was made by Councilman Penee and seconded by°Councilman Lee to advertise for bids-on 8000 ft. of 6 inch ~er~ent Asbestos pipp~ the bids to be opened April 2, 1957 at 7:30 F. M~ Nlotion ~arried. Property owners from Poole, Short and Whiteley ~treetg were present and ~ouncilman Brenrlan explained the pro~ect and reported ~Ir. ~cLennan had figures for all pareels and the property owners were invited ta cor~a up and cheek the amounts on their property. A discussion followed, and ~r. Harris e~lained the proceedure nece~r~ary for improvement districts. It was agreed to prepare questionaires t~o be mailed out to the property owners to deter~.ine ho~r ~any were in favor of the improver~nts or portions of the work. R~so~,uTlort ~3bb FtESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF' THE GITY 0~' ~RROYO GR~iNDE ~DQPTING BUDGET AND APPROVIAIC~ I~NIORANDUM OF AGRE~MISNT FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDEI~ S~TION 2107.~ OF THE STRE~'TS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. ~n motion of Couneilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Pence and on the fallowing roll call vot~ AYES: Councilman Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Brennan and ~ayor Burt. ~T0~5: None ABSENTs' None the foregoin,~ resolution was adopted this 19th day of i~arch, 195? The request fro~n Great Western Shows was read and Chief ~~iize recommended the request be denied. Co~~il members suggested he check with the County and other Gities to see if they ~ad received requests to hold the Garnival. , ~ouncilman Penee made a motion that Mr. Geo, Pearson be employed to conduct the survey for relacation of the water lines made~anece~sary by the Freeway, the motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members voted Aye. Bills against the General Fund for ~2Qp2.32 and ~he ~ater Fund for ~12f38.85 were audited, approved and ordered paid. _ ~'tr. Anderson reportsd the b~ horsepower'•motor had burned out and ' would take between ~6~ and $7pp to repair. Council.men 13rennan asked if Y he had got bids on the work. Mr. Anderson reported he felt it xas neeessary to get the repairs as quickly as possible. Councilman Brennan- suggested in the future he get prices from several companies before - having work done, ~io further business appearing the meeting ad3ourned. ATiEST: ~ ~ - . -L71. ~ ~ c v ~ ~ City Clerk ~