Minutes 1957-05-21 ~9 ' Axroyo'~'rrande, Cali.f. ~Tay : ~1, 1.957 . The ~3ty Co~ncil ~et in re~ular se~sir~n w~.th 1~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll ca11 Ccuncilmeza Pence, Jacobs snd Bre~sn,an reparted present. Absent Council~an Lee. Miziu~es of the previous regular meetin~ xere read and approved as read. RESOLUTION ~369 RESt)LUZ'I4N OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F THE CiTY ~F ARROYO GR.;~NDL .~,DOPTINQ BUDGE'P AND APPROBIbi(3 ~R~riTDUM OF AaRERMEtV'T FOR F~XPEIJI3ITURE ~F CAS T1~ AS,T~OCATI~N FOR MAJOFt CITY SY'RBETS. On ~otion oY CounciL~aan ~rennan, seconded by ~ounei.lman Pence and by , the Yollowing.roll call vote to wit: AY5~7 Cotancilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs and Brer~nan NOffi s None ABSENTs Cotugcilr~an Lee the foregoing resolution wa~ adopted. letter of resignation f'ro~ affiaer Ralph Winslo~ was read. ~hief ' Mise recom~uended the resigiua~ion be accepted and Win. B. Hatley be hired to replace hi~. -0n n~otivn of Councilman Jacobs seconded by Councilman Pence _ _ _ _ the reco~endation of ~hief Mi.ze xas apprcved and Mr. Hatley Was hired to serve at the pleasure of the Council, Motion carried. A comaauni.cation froa~ f~eorge Fear~son offering to do the engineering on relocation of water line~ .£or ~2300.00 Was read and discussed. Mr. Neale fro~ the Divisioa of Highxays was present and ~tated th~ City's share of the engineering service$ haci been eati~ated tfl be #380.00 du~ to relocation of the ~rater line ~t the south end'aP towu. After discus~ion Mr. ~iarris} City Attorney advised the Cauneil ~e~bers to reque~t ~ separate cost on the en~ineering servi.ces and be advised Rtr. Neale to ha~e the agree~ent sub- mitted by the State carry a stipulation that if the City agrees to pay a portion of Mr. Pearaons fees for the engineerf.ng on the relocation of ~ater lines, the ~ity does not caneeed it 3s obligated to pay ~ny porLian oY pro- 3ect costs of the relocation. New estimates on the engineering and ag~ee- menta were requested and xould be studied at the next ~eting. A1r. Ne~le reported the div~sion would like the decision on lines to be installed in the bridges as soon as po~sible so they could procsed xit?h the plans on bridges or overheads on the new Freeway. ~i~ - Councilman dacobs reported about 80~ of-the prop+erty owners contacted for the new sever line on-~outh glpine ~nd NeWman Drive Were in favor of the installation. ~ mation by Councilman ~rennan and ~econded by Council- . x' _ ~an Per~ce authorized J. g. ~?nderson to proceed with engi.neering plans on the pro3ect, Motion ~arried. ~I~. Anderson reported he was preparing plans for a sprinkling sy~te~ on the south island. ~ounciii~an Brennan reported on the questionaires returned for t2~e improvement oP Poole, Short and W~iteley Streets. Quit~ a few did nct return th~ for~s and a mumber oY th~m were nat in favor of any of the xt~rk. There xere several biocks ~rhere ~st of the c~ners were in favor of the ia~provements and I~r. Anderson ~raa asked to coatact the oxners on the blocks to see if the work could be done ~n a few of the blocks. It wa~ agreed to continue the second readiug on the Salu Tax to th~ next m~eting. ~ No protests on the annexmt3,on of Fair Oaks No. 1 Were reeeived a~d ~ r~o one pr~sent protested.~ Mr. Harris read for the first ti~re the Ordinance on the annexation. I~r. Harris discussed ~rith the ~ouncil the information he was pre- paring for the Fire Co~ittee. Insurance policies were t4 come up before Ju1y lst and it waa uncier- stood the Ray~ people ~tished to submi.t quotations. Bills against the General Fund for ~22~1.52 and the Water Fand for ~893.3? were audited, approved and ordered paid. Ato further business appearing the ~eeting ad~ourned. ~ ~TFr:iT : - C J ity lerk . y'~~