Minutes 1957-06-04 Arrnyo 4rarid~~ ~~lif.
dune 4, 1957
The ~itg ~ouncil ~et i~a rege~lar ~e~~io~ w3.th Mayar Bur~ presidir~g. IIpo~
roll call ~ounc3lt~en Lee, Penc~ and Ja.eobs repari;s.ed present. ~b~ent Council-
man Brennan.
The ~i.ruztes c?f the previous regular meeting xere re~d and approved as r~ad.
i~. Anderaan report.ed the money was depasited for se~rers on Wc~d Place far
al]. except the t~ne place. ~.~tion was nade b~ CQUnci~ dacnbs, s~conded by
Countilmari Pence to a~cept the b3d of Z. 8. Webb Constrt~~e#~?3.on Cc~, at3d proceed
x1;.t~ the installation c~' lines an Wood Place. Mot~.on carried. ,
I~Sr: Auder~on rep+arted A~r. Bri~co bad agked t+~ ~ve a xater ].ia~e on hi~
praperty sA it would be on a roadway. ~e had agr~ed t~ pa~ Yor the n~a~ving af
the line. ~'kr. ~riderscan asked ~bout installin~ b ineh pipe instead o~ t~he !t 3.nch
but after discussic~n it wa~ agreed to use !t inch pipe.~
Mr. ~a,derson repc~rted l~ir. J. C. Pierce ~3.~hed ~ter ~n his propert~ ~out~h
~f totim vhere he p].anned c~n bu3.7.ding. It ~ras a~rsed to s~t a meter cn the
I.ine ru~ a7~ng the high~ay and ~s pay ~1.40 per front feot of hi~ pr~tperty and
xhen trhe new line is put in the ~eter ~ould be ~ved,
JoMns was present to discuss ch~age in rate~ fcr Garbage a~ex~vi.ce ~
a3.sca a~ked to have the ~o~.ncil ~aive the bonds cn ~e garbage Pran~hise,~ It
~ agreed t~ ~eet and discusa t?he ~aatter vith Mr. Harri~ befare t~2i~ negt
council ~eet3.r~. .
The Clerk Was ~sked t0 ~ite the Board of Fire Ux~der~?r3.ters about b~.d,-
ings ~lose tc~ ~ new fire bouse.
~13.llard Cole and Ghie~' ~ar~alek repcar~ted aa the f"3x~ ao~.tt$e ~~t-
ing. The Council ~'reed the City ~teuld stand the egpe~e o~' getting out the
brochure~ ~c~r pv.blieity on a bond electicua. Chief I+.~raalek regarted t~here xa~
1 fire call th~ past ~onth arid 3 calls ~o far th~.s year.
I~ ~ras agreed t~ eontinue the second readin~ ~n the Ssle~ ~ax t'ltr~d3.nance to
ne~et ~eeting.
~'he heading of 47rdi.nanoe ~ was read and a~tian ~de by~ Ccuncil~n ~acc~b~
to dis~nse ~3,th reading the balana~, the motion was seconded by Gouncilm~ ~ee
~d all ~e~bers gresent v~ted Ay~. ~
~~tDINANG~ N4. ].2p
t?n matio~ of Couxicilman I~ee, ssctonded b3r ~ouncilman Pencet snd
an the Pollo~ring rc11 aaSl vote:
AYE~Ss Ceur~cil~en Burt, Lee, Pence and JacBb~.
N4ES: Nc~r~
1BS~1Ts Gouncilm~n ~re~
t~he fnre~oin~ Ordinan~e ~ras adopted t~hi.s l~fi.h day af Jtine 19~7.
Co~ci7.maxa P~nce requested.per~dssion to leage ~hs State Jw~
15th tc> J~g ~;th. It s~as ~c~ve3d: ~ecogded,~ and ~arr3.ed to grant the
It wa~ agreed to call T~aley regarding the care mf dc~.
~or Bnrt appo3r~ted Cotu~ci].~ea Peuce and Lee to meet tr.I.th t2is Ccun~
Offie3.a].s and represent~a.tires fro~ the animal shelter ~nd see vhat
cc~uld b~ xarked o~t.
Bills~ agatinst the General F'~uad for ~357~.11~, the ~1~ter Ftuid
fcr ~1~,$bb~79, t~e ~ater I~pos~t f't~nd for ~29.25 anci the S~wer
Rental Fta~ad for ~17,45 Were audited, appro~ed and ordered paid.
It xa.s ~ec~nded and carried t~hat vouchers ~ta. 63 t~hruvgh
~69 be authori~ed fc>r transfer.
No f"ar~her b~six~ess ~ppearing the ~eting adjourned.
.ATT~T s I ~f ~ . ~~v
ity lerk ~ ]~~r °