Minutes 1957-06-18 , ~ Arroyc~ Grand~~ Ca1i.f. J~ne 1€3~ 1957 The Citg Council ~t i.~ regular se~sion ~rith ~a~ar Burt pr~~iding. Upon ro]S es~1l. Cotua.ci7.~en bee~ J~cobs and Brennan reported prssent. Abaent Cotuacil- mata Penae. Minutes of the prev3,ous reg?~.1.ar ~eting were read and ~pproved a~ read. Mr. dolu~s Was pre$er~t to discus~ changes in pi~I~p Char~ss an garbage. After discu~sing snggeste~d rates, Mapor Burt appointed Couneilman Brennan ~d Lee to mak~ a s~udy cf ths g~rbage ratss, Mr. Harris suggested the second reading of trhe ~ales trag or~~inan~e be continued fc~r 1~nth and the Council apprcved ths sug;gestion. Mr. Pieree ask~d abr~ut ~ater service 't~ h3.s praper~~ sauth of t~~n and after diseussion the Gour~eil agreed to meet az~.d studp vrater liae~ to fi~2~ ares, south of tor~r~. 1+~. ~nder~on r~port,ed l~. Rnss Saa~pson had requested an e~tension cf the ~ratsr line on Spruce Stxeet ta h~.s praperty arid ha.d dep€~ited ~~hecsk ~o caeer the ~rork. The Council apprcved hi~c ~,pplicatiar~, Cha m4tion ~f ~ouncil.man Lee, secor~ded by ~our~cilman Brennan, Ma~r Burt was authc3rised t.a s3.~,n the a~ree~ent fc~r appro~vi.ng the allocatiern of En,gineering ~PProPriation~ for the ralo~ation ~f ~'ater 'line~. Mction ~arri~d. t}n ~ti~sx~ af ~ounci:t.~an Hrennan~, seconded by ~ounci:l.man Lee ~h~ ~o~ey d~po~ited on the ~hort, Poole and 1~'hiteley St~ree~ pro3ect 'b~ the prcrperty o~era t~as tc> be re~urned as there ~ras not sufficient fav~orable response to pro- ceed x3.th the pro3eat. l~tic~n carried. ~ The Clerk ~ras asked to commtu~ieate ~i.t~h N~. Sheehy a~ad I~r. Beek to Pind ~ ont if they w+~uld meet ~-i.th ~he Council June 27th at 5:30 p.~. tc> c1i:a~uss th~ Upper trroyo ~c~ad and th~ Western Addi.~io~ drainage, I~Jrs. O~Ccnna~ and Mrs. ~1ood ~rere presen~t tio dis~u~s the pic~ up ax~d care of dugs. The;~ would care for the dog~ for a fe~ if' t?hey ~ere pieked up. Counci]aat3 I,ee a~ked about having a~ whi~e line painted on ~~llg-Hr, Rc~ad e~cially on the curves. ~,].so asked about stc~ring ~ths Harve~~ Fe~t.ival bootli material at the Cit~** Farbc. ~here fcllo~red a di.s~u~~ion and the City agreed they could be ~tored there if thep ~ere nat responsible for their care. Bi~17.~ agairist the General Furld for ~2~$?.58~ the ~ater Fvnd for ~1135.bt? and ~h~ Sewer I~ental F`urid for ~5~.~?~5 xere audit~ed, ~ppraved and ordered paid. ~ta f~rther b~asines~ ~ppearing~ upor~ ~aotion ~he meeting ad~journed• ~ ~ _ " ~ _ ~TTEST: . ,~L ~ .1~~ i~~r lerk _ Yctr