Minutes 1957-07-02 ~ Arroyo Grande, Ca2if. , J,~y s.s57 2'he eity Council me~ in re~u].ar ~ession with I~ayor Burt presiding. Upc~n roll call Counci].men I,ee, Jaeabs and Brexinan reported present. Absent Cr~vncil- man Pence. . Mir:utes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved ~s read, A~r. Johns ~ras prs~en~ to discuss the charige in rates fc~r garbage service ar~d after discussion A~ayor Burt appointed ~ovneil~n ~rennan and Lee to go ~ov~r the stzgge~~ed rates and report to the Council on their reeomraenda.tions. Gouxicilu~n Lee reported on infmrmation he had recei~red on cars of d~g~ and as soon as Counci.lm~an Pence returned they were to a~eet arid discuss the dog prvble~. Insvrance pt~licies ~,rere received f'ro~ E, C. Loo~i.s and Son and fro~ ~uth Swall. llfter d3.~cussion a~tion ~as made bp ~our~cilman Brenrian, seeonded by . a, Cauncilman Jacobs to accept the In$urance palicies from E. C~ Loo~n~.~ & 5on bondan and Lan~a~hire Sn~urance Co. Mcc>t3.on Carr3.ed. &ESC?LUTIORt 370 ~ Resolutian ~F 2'Ii~ GITY' COUNTCIL OF THE GITY 4F .~RFttUYO ~DE~ ~ a TO C.Ai~IC~L GEN~ FtTi+TD W~e,l~tl~,ANT N0. q~. ~ITT3~fit .A,IIGUST 2~ ~955 AUTHQRIZII~G Ti~!lRR~,NT ld~. ?~3 TO BE WRI~TEN Tfl RF.P'LACE Nt3. 9}~. On motion Qf ~ouncil.man Br~nnan, s~conded by~ ~ouncilmar~ I~e ~ci by the fol.lc~~r3.ng rall ~a11 eote t~c~ ~3.t: AYE.S: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Jac~b~ and Bren~ua. NOES: bione , ABS~1Ts Council~an Pence ~kie fvregoing re~alut3on was adoptyed, It was agreed to hage Councilman Pence ccn~F.a,ct Mr. Harri~ about a letter tci be sent t~o Saeramento for the duly ilt,h. P~eeting on Bulletin No. 18. I~ was a~r~ed the alaims for rent on the J~,stiee Q~ar~ers be ~i~ned and returned to the County Fturchasing agent. Councilman Jacobs requested per~ission to Ieave the State and it was ma~ad seeanded and pa~~ed the request b~ granted. ~ Gouncilmar~. Jacobs reparted on the budget~ a~d a~otion ~as made by Council- ~an Jacob~ seconded by ~ouncilman Brennan to appr~ve ~he 5~ rsise on sa:Laries a~d adopt tl~e budgets _ as re~3..exed, Mc~tian carried. Bills against ~he C+eneral Fund t~or ~l~7b3.1?' the Water Fund for 19 .68 ` t ~fd s~% the 6~ater Depo~it fund for ~2.$~ and the special' G~s ~ax Sti I~. Func~ ~r~ sudi~.eds gPProved and ordered paid. t3n motion uf Cmunc3.l~n Jacobs, seconded b~ Cpvnei7.man I,ee~ ~ouchera ~to. ?0 thrc~ugh No. 79 ~ere authc~rize~d for trar~sieri Motion ~arried. . No further busine~s appearing upon ~tian the ~eti.n~ ad~ourned, ~ A`1'T~S'!' ~ r ~ , p~ ,v-~~,, _ l~~~s~1~~t' y er