Minutes 1957-08-13 . 67 Councilman dacob~, secnnded by CQUncilm~n Lee. A11 Covneil members Yo~ed 1lye, R1o f~arther busine~s the ~eeting ad~ourned to 5:30 F, M. l~gn~t 13, 19~7. , ~ , _ . ` ~ ~ ATTEST t ; ~~~,s~r- ; . ' ~~-~~,4: - ~ ' ity lcrk ~ yor ~ Arroyo (3rande~ Ca7a.f:. . ~uga.st 13, 195? , > 5s3p p, , The Ci.~y Council n~et 3n an adjourned sessiez~ tirf.th Mayor Bvrt presidir~g. Upon ao11 Ca11 Councilmen Pence, Jaeobs and Brennan. reported present. ~b~ent Councilman Lee. I~. Harris read the heading of Ordinan~e No. 121 and a~wtion was made by Councilman Brennan~ ~sconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs to dispense w3.th reading th~ bal.ance of the Ordinar~ce. A].I N[embers voted A~e, ~RDIN.ANCE 1~~. 12I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI3`Y OF ARROYD GR.ANDE, IMP~SII~G l GSTY S.Il~ES AND USE TA~ : PROVIDING FOR THE P~FC3R.MANCE BY THE STATF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION QF ALL FUNCTIONS IN- . CIDE~tT TQ THE ADM2NISTftATION, OPE~t.ATION AND COLLECTION OF THE SALES AND USE TAX HEREBY II~II'OSED: .AND PROVIDIN4~ PffidALTIFS ~R VIOLATION THERFAF. Ch~ mc>tion of ~ouncilman. Jaeobs, ~eeonded by ~ouncilman Brenna,n ~rtd a~ th~ follot~ring roll eall. vote ta-wit: lYFSs Councilm~n Burt, Jacobs, Brennan and Penee. ~does s Non~ ABSENTz Counail~nan Lee the foregoing ordinance ~ras ad~pted th3.s 13th day of Augas~ 1957. RESOLUTIOAI N0. ~'j~ A RESOLUTI~I~ bF THE CTTY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROY~ GRAN}3E AIITHORIZIN~ THE FXF.CUTIDbT OF AN AGREF~MENT WITH THE STATE BOAftD OF EQUALIZATION ~F THE STATE OF CALIFORNI.~ F~R THE ADMINISTRATION BY SAID BOAR.D OF THE .ARROYO GRANDE GITY SAZES AND USE TAYffi - On Motion of ~oun~~.lman Pence, and ~e~onded by Councilman_Jaeabs arid on the follt~~ing rall call vote, to wits AYES: Gouncilmen Burt, ~acob~~ ~rennan~ Pence. NOES s Noae AB3S~dT: Councilmari Lee the faregoing resc?lu.tion was adapted th3s 13~h day of A~agust 19~7, Mr, Harris reported he had talked by telephone to the Board af Fire tTnder- writers and they wovld trg and have an engineer down to make a s~urvey t~i.thi~ 2 ar 3 ~ree~. Aio further business appearing the meeting ad~ourned. ATTF~ST: ,/''S f ~ ~ ~ --z~ ' ~ CITY L ~~t~~~~