Minutes 1957-09-03 ~9 Arroyo Grande~ Ca1if. , Septea~ber 3, 19~7 Z'he Cit;~ ~ouncil met in regular session ~ri.th Ma.yor ~urt presiding. Upo~, roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Lee~ Per~ce~ dacobs and Brennan reported present, Minutes +~f the pre~rious regul.ar meeting were read and appraved as read. N~. Harris read the ~esolution prepared to eall for an eleetion on bond issue for ~he pureha.se of a fire Truck and build a new fire house. Gouncil- man Brennan suggested the equ:i.pment might be purchased with money frorn the sales tax and avoid having a bond issue. After discussian Mr. Iiax'ris in- foru~d the ~ouncil the f~.re truck mi.ght be done by lease purchase however it wou].d not be possible to build; the static~n that way. l~fter diseussion i.t was agreed to advertise for bids on the ~'ire truck with the privile~e of paying o~er a period of years~ th~ bids to be opened September 17th, 19,~? at 8 p.m. Council.man Lee made the mation which was , seconded by ~oun.eilman Brsnnan aTad a11 ~mber~ voted Aye. Mr. Harris wa.s to prepare the notice calling for bids. RESOLUTIQN No. 37b R&~LUTIQDi OF IA~TF~TZ~~T Ta VACA~'E, ABA,NII(3B~ AND CLQSE A ~ PORTI~N OF AN ~IrL~`Y IN TH~ W~UT GROVE ~~ITI~N TO THE CITY t7F 'ARR,QY~ t~RAtd~E, C~t~NTY OF S~T LUIS ~BISPfl, ST~,T~ OF CALIF~F~NIA. On nu~tion of ~otuicilma.n Brennan~ seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and by ~ the following roll call vote to wit: ~.YES: Councilmen Lee, Per~ee, Jacabs, Bren~an and Burt, NDES: None ,ABSEATT: Aian~ ` the foregoing Resolution ~ras adopted. ~ RESOLUTION 1d0. 37T 4! FtFS4LU'f I~N QF THI~ CIT3C COUAICIL ~F THE CITY t~F ARR4Yt3 QrRANDS AU'PHUftIZIAtG THE EXECUTION OF AN A(3~E~T WI~.'H 2'H'HL ST~T~ BO~RD OF F,QUALIZATIOAI 4F THE STATE OF G„ALIFORAtIA ~3R THE ~NIS9~~`I~N BY S~IT~ B0~#RD OF THE ARRflYQ GR~INDE CI~Y SJ~I,~.S USE T~. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Brennan and by . the following ro11 eall eote to-w3ts - AYES: Couneilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobsi Brennan and Burt. NOFS : None ABSENT: None the Poregoing Resolution was adopted. It was mo~ed, seconded and appro~ed that ~ouncilmen ~rsnnan and Pence have permissic~n to leave the State, 70 _ Requests from l~ir. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, & I~rs. H. J, Santens and Dr. Cookson for anne~tion to the ~ity ~tere received and Mr. H~xris was to b~ asked te3 prepare the Resol.ution, i~rr. Anderson reported the South Alpine 8ewer pro~ect was to be ready ~nd asked abc>ut the e~ceavation on the streets. The street grades ~ould be considerably lovv~r and if the e~ccav€ttion ~ras dan~ prior to putting in the sewer mains it would save lA~ring mar,hole~ later ar~d the trenching would not be nearly so deep. He ~,ras toZd to have esti.mates on the sewer and s'treet excaeation prepared for neact ~eet- ing so the ~ouncil. eould compare th~m. Two bids far seal coating of Ne~om ~pring~ Road were received and the ~all~ Pav3.ng submitted th~ ldw bid, A ~nc~tion was made by ~ouncilman Brennan to accept the bid of Va1.le~r Paving~ the motion ~as seconded by ~ounei].man P~nee. Moticn ~arried. _ W, M, Ly1es subm3.tt~d a bid of ~680,Q0 to relocate a portion of water lin~ on Brisco property. ~he ~ney was put up by Mr. Johnson who ha.d purchased the property. l~. .~taderson was authorized to proceed wi~Gh the work. Mr. ~.nderson al.so repc~rted he was having estimates on a wa.ter line for Mr. ~3.nner from the spruce Street line an.d Mr. ~inner was to pay fer the cost of the line. Chief M~.~e asked permission to sttend the League Convention Septemb~sr 22~ 23 and 2~.th in San ~ancisco: his request was granted. " Biils against the ~eneral ~und fer ~6365.81, the ~dater Fund for ~1521.62~` The ~pecial Gas ~ax Street Impronement Fund for ~l~20.Q0 and the ~ater I)epos3.t F'u.nd for ~2~.1~ ~rere audited~ approved ar~d ordered paid. Youchers No. 9 thraugh No. were authorized for transfer on motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilm~n Brennan. Motion Carried. No further busi.ness appearing~ upon motion the meeting ad3ourned. - . ~ 9~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ,~`7,n"° ~ ~ l'~ ~,4-i;; ~ City Clerk , y~