Minutes 1957-10-01
The Cowa~3.3. au~hari~ed I~. Aarr3.s ta re~fer the annexa~ion tc> ~he Cgunt~r
Boundary Coraart3.~sion and al~c~ Fair Daks No. 2 axtd Fa3.r 0~ ~a. 3 a~.i.c}~ vese~
recei4ed. `
Mapc~r Burt ~,s a~thor3.asd to Prc~elaiin ~ctr~ber 8th as Ccns~tit~~ian ~r,~
Bi]1s aga3ASt the General F''und for ~32~.33 ~?ere auditeds approved a~nd
ord,ered pai+ci.
~ouucilmaxi ~'acobs made a m~otion, seaonded by ~ounci3znaa ~'~nc~ t~ ref'er ,
the ann~cation praposals t~ the City Planning Ga~I.~sion. Motio~a ~arried.
No fwrther bu~sines~ appearixi~ the ~ee~ing ad3ourned.
~~r$s~: ~~<r . , ~
, ~
~ro~o rrande~ Calif.
f3ctober 1, 1957
7.'h~e ~ity ~ou~eil met in regular session with Mayvr Btart pre~idi~ag. ~pcu~
roll call ~ov~cil~en Lee, Pence, Jacob~ and Brennan repc?rt~d pres~nt.,
I~i.nutes of the previous regular nyseting were read and approved a~ r~td;
Bids far f'urnishing fire equip~ent were opened from !t cc~mpa~3.es. ~epresent-
at3ves t~rere interviee~red one at a ti~ on ths n~erits ~f the equip~t ~h~y
were biddi.ng on.
d recess was called to discuss the bids and after discu~sican it wa~
agxeecl to prepare new spee3.f3.cat3.ons and call for bids on a 1Q~0 GPM Pta~~'
and ask for specific figures on lease ptirchase. ~he bid~ were tc~ be oper~ed
at the first ~seting in ~mvember,
The clerk was ir~sfi,ructed to write a letter to the D3.vi~ion of H1g2~wa.y~
asking that the present Highw~y through ~tc>wn be desi~nated a5~ a busi.neas
route when the F''P8@WBai' "f.YiY'flU.g~]. '{'+t)Sni W38 completed, ^
It was a~ceed tcs send the Cour~ty a eheck far ~.OQ~ as budget,e~d
for this ~rears payment on the o~erpayment o~ Pi~.e~ grom the ~ountq.
2'he letter from ~le~;~t I.ambert asking for pa3nting and si~ns on
achool erosswalks was referred to ~hief Mi~e.
The Utility agreemen~ fro~ the givison af ~ighways an relocati.on af
~later Lines was pr~~gented and Cauncilma,n Pence ma.de a motior~ that th~ l~aycsr
be a~~~i~ed to sign the agree~nt for the ~ity. ~he ~tic~n was seconded
bg Cauncilman Jaec~bs and all members voted Aye.
Bila.boards and a sign ordinane~: were d3.scusssd and ~r. I~ar.ris agreed
to get copies af sev~exal ~ore ordina,nces~
P].ans and speeificatic~rr~s prepared by Mr. Ta1. E. Me7rennan. fc~r th~
sewer lines and street grading on Alpine and Newman Driee were studied b~,r
the Couneil and it wa.s agreed to advertise for bids and the bid crpen3.ng was.
set for the ~etober 15th mset3.ng at 8:00 P.M. .
com~i..cation from Hahn, Wise and Barber~ Planning ~onsultants
was read and d3.scussed. ~hey suggested Federal assistance could b~ obta3ned
on a matching ba.sis. ~'he survey would be helpful in making the master water
plan and ~r. Anderaon was t4 talk with Mr. Geo. Pearson. No ~etion was taken
at ~this time. _
The City Covneil took no aetion regarding the request of the Grover
Citp Water Districts plan for a reservoir site c~n the ~g property a~
they felt they had ,nc~ ~vrisdiction in that a.rea.
Bil.ls against the General Fund for ~5152.3b, the ~ater Fund for ~23?~.39~
the S~y,rer Rental, Fun,d for~~~,,f,;~` , the ~a~er Deposit Fund fc~r ~2~.00 and the
Special Gas ~ax Street Smprovement Fund for ~199~..9~ were audited, approved
and ordered paid.
i~ouchers No. 16 through No. 23 were authoriZed for transfer.
No further business appearing upon motion tYie meeting adjourned,
. , i ~
ATTF~T: - ~ ~
City Glerk yor