Minutes 1957-11-05 Za~3 Arroyo Grande, ~alif, November 5, 1957 2'he ~ity ~ouncil met i.n regular session with ~'~a.~ror Burt presiding. Upon xoll call ~ouncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. • ~ 5ewer instal].ation on South Alpine, ~ewman ~rive and ~man ~ourt was discussed and ~Ir. Anderson was instructed to notify property owners of the amount necessary to deposit for the work,. ~hen the money has been deposited for the project the Council would let the contra~t for the work and at that time decide abcsut severa3 alternate bids on concrete crossings and gutters. ' Bids w~re opened for a new fire truck and the 6 bids received were ta.ken under advisement. ~ recess was called and the Councilmen and Fire • Ghief went over the bid.s and it was agreed to study them further and notify the successful bidder by letter. Miss Rosie Costa was present to discuss a water line to their property at the end of Arroyo Ave. ~tr. Anderson had prepared figures on the line and would have a letter for her the 6th of ~ovember so she could think it over and if it was agreeable deposit the money for the installati.on of the 1ine, The proposal of Hahn~ ~ise and ~arber to serve as Flanning Consulta.nts was discussed and the ~ity Planning corrunission had recommended getting pro- posals f`rom a number of Counsultants Before making a decision. The Council agreed to ask the City Planning Commission to investigate Planning Consultants and report on their recormnendations. Bi11s against the General Fund for $658lt.7,~, the ~ater Fund for $10~872.~.9 the Sewer Rental Fund for ~83.09, the Special Gas Tax St, Imp. Fund for ~15~.0~ the ~ater Deposit Fund far 22,75 were audited, approved and ordered paid. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman BrenrLan approval was given t.o transfer Vouchers No, 2~ through #32 inelusive. ~otion Carri.ed. R~'SOLUTIOAI N0. 38~ A RESOLUTION OF T:.:E CITY COUNCIL OF ~'HE CITY OF ARRCYO GRANDE DTR.~TII~TG SERGEANT RIGHA;~DSOlV ~F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POLICE DEPA.RTI~iENT TO l~iOVE ONTO THE CI~.'Y' PROFII3.TY ON ELM STR.EET SN LINE WITH HIS POLICE DUTY. ~n motion of Councilman Lee, ~econded by Councilman Brennan and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: Gouncilmen BUrt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan. NOES: None ABS~1T: None the foregoing resolutifln was adopted. T6 On motion of ~ouncilrnan Lee and seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs the Ghief of Police was given approval to attend the Zone meeting in ~anta Cruz on ~hursday. No further business appearing on motion the meeting adjozarned. y ~~."l~'.S2'; ~R 5 / , ~ G'[~ f~ ~ ~s~ . ~ ~ City Clerk ~ t Mayorf Arroyo Grande, Ca1if. November 19~ 1957 The ~ity ~ouncil met in regu].ar session with N1a~or Burt presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. The mi.nutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved i as read. Reports from the County Boundary Commission on the proposed ann~;x- ation of Fair Oaks No. 2 and No, 3 and Fair Oaks Ma.jor were received. Their report stated that the boundaries of the proposed areas ~rere definite and certain and would create no islands of vnincorporated territory. Mr. Anderson asked about adoption of Fi.re Zones and the Fire Prevention Code whieh hacl been recom~nended by the Board of Fire ~nderwriters after their last survey. There followed some discussion and the ~ouneil referred the matter to the City Planning Cornm~.ssion for their reco~mnenda.tion. It was agreed to advertise for bids on the demoliticm and removal of the old City Hal.l and ~ire House. ~t was agresd to give the old fire siren to the ~ceano Beach Improvement Associa~ion to be used to ca1.l volunteer help to rescue anyone in trouble off shore. Rr'~SOLUTION No. 381 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AR.ROYO GRANDE CONSENTTNG TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF CERTAIN INHABITED AND UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OB ~ OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF A.R~OYO GRANDE DESIGNATED AS "FAIR OAKS MAJOR" ~