Minutes 1957-12-03 ~1 ~n motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by ~ouncilman ~ee and b~ the fallowing roll ca11 vote to-wit: AY~: ~~a~zcilmen Burt, Zee, Pence~Jacobs and $rennan. NOFS : None ABSET~T: I~one the foregoing resalution was adopted this 19th day of ~VOVember, 19~7. ~r. Harris read for the first time the ordinances he had prepared on the annexation of Fair O~S No, 2 and No. Bills against the ~eneral Fund for ~3252.~7 were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing upon rnotion the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: r ~ G-z ~ . ` ' Gity Clerk M~ or ~ Arrc~yo Grande, C~.].if. ~ecember 3~ 1957 The City Gouncil met in regul.ar ses~ion with Mayor Burt presidin~. Upon rall call ~ouacilmen Lee~ Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported prese~t. The minute~ of the previous re~a].ar rnseting were read and approved read. Aeport f~o~n the Ghief of Pol.iee r~aas read and ordered filsd. Fire ~hief ~arsalek reported there were no f~.re calZs for the m~n~h of Navember. Payraents on the Seuth Alpi.ne Se~rers turned in to I~r. Rowe were reperted. A~ore ~ras promised for later in T~ecember and ~ome in Jatlu~tr~. P~r. ~dsrsen ~ras instructed to contaet the cantracters and sae if they Would extend the ti~ne ~"or a~arding of the contraets, l~o bids for re~csval af the Fire House and 01d City Hall t~rere r~Geivead. The ~rdi.nance prepared for .~nnegation o~ Fair Oaks ~Io. 2 was+ read, fh~ _ motion of Counci~.man Brennan~ seear~ded b~ Gouneil~nan Jacobs, and r~n t~he fo7,lot~ix~g roll ca11 votet AYES: Burt~ 7~ee, Fence, Jaeobs and Bre~, A1U~: None .~BSENT: BTo~e the foregoing ordin,ance was adopted thi~ 3rd day of December, 19~7, ~ ~ TB The 4rdin~nce prepared for annexation of Fair paks ~o. 3't~as r~ad. ~n motion of Councilr~n Penee, ~eeond~d b~ Councilman Lee and by th~ followin~ ro7.~. call vote: ~,YES: Burt, I,ee, Penc~, dacob~ and Brennan. NOES: l~one ABS~TT: None the fore~oing Ordinanc~ ~ras adopted this 3rd day of Deeember, 1957. It ~ras mc3v~d, seconded, and carried that 2~. Harris be granted permission ta leave the st~,ate Dec, lbth to Jan. 3rd. Bills agains~ the Gexieral Fund for ~54}~8.12~ the Water Fund fc>r ~2~89.58, the Water DBp~~.~ I~,ind for ~16.4(3 and the Sa~er R~~al Fund for ~2b.97 ~'e audi~ted, appra~ved and ord.ered paid. Or~ motion af Councilman Jacobs, seconded bg Counei.lman Lee, Vou~hers ~o. 33 throu.gh Net l~2 inclusi.ee were suthori~ed far trar~fer. ~Io further busi.nes~ appearin~ and upon motion the meeting aci,~ouur~ned. E: _ ATTESTs ~ . G ~ ~ r~ 1 % , Gity lerk Yar December 13, 1957 Speaial ~eeting o~ ~he Couneil called with ~ayor Burt presiding, Upon ro11 call Ccuncilm~r~ Lee, Pence and Jacob~ reported pre~ent, Absent Gounc~ :l.~an Brex~r~an. . RES~L~~~oN 382 ~ RESULUTIaN OF TFi~ CI3'Y GOU~TCIL OF THE ~ITY t3F ARR.OYO GR,~NDL Ct~NSEI~'TING Tn THE GOI~TC~iT OF /kld~tEXATT4A1 P'FtOC~IDINGS FOR TI3~ A~tEXA~I~~' T~ THE CITY OF .A,RROY4 C:R.AS~t~E aF CEftTAIN INHA~~tITED AIiTD UNII~iC4ftP~RATED T~3RITOftY Il~T THE CE}UI~iTY OF S~t . LUIS OBISPO~ STATE ~F CAI.IFORNIA~ C41dTSGUOUS 7't7 ~'FiE C~T~' OF ARR~YQ ~RAN.D.E DffiIG~1~.TID AS - ~F~I'Fi ~.AKS A~AJOR~ On motion of Cotanci7.man PeaQe, ~econded b~r Gouncilman L~e, and on the fo].l.c~wi.ng roll cali vote, to wit: AYES: B~art,, Lee, Pence and Jacobs. NOES: None ABSENTs Eire~. the foregoing Re$olution was ac3c~pted this 13'~h day of Dece~er 19~7. Bic further busine~ss appearing ~zpon motion the ~eeting ad~ourn~d. A~~~sT: ~ y. : 'P. ~ .t:~f ~ . it~ lerk , yor