Minutes 1957-12-13 T6 The Ordinance prepared for annexation of Fair ~aks ~o. 3~ read. ~n rn~tian of Councilra~n Penee, secanded by Counciiman I?ee and by the fo]1oWi.ng roll call vota: AYES: Bt~rt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennar~. IdO~i : Nons ~BSF~iT: Nvne the fore~oing CJrd9.nance was adopted this 3rd day o~ I?ecember, 3.957. It ~tas mcrved, seconded, and earri.ed that 2~ir. Harri~ be granted perm3.ssion to leave the ~tate Dec. ldth ~o Jan. 3rd, Bil7.s again~t ti~e ~eneral Fvnd for ~54l~8.12, the Water F~~nd for $2089.~8, the Wa~er ~epvsit ~und for ~16.40 and th~ Sexer Rsntal Func~ for ~26.97 wers aud3.~tad, appraved and ord.ered paid. C3n motion of eauncilman Jacobs, seconded b~ Councilman Lee~ Vou~hers ~a. 33 tbrough IdQ. !t2 inclwsive ~rer~ suthor3.~ed for ~tx~ar~fer. No f~arther busi.ness appearing and upon mction the ~eeting adtjourned. " t~ , ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ r, ~ ~ City ~~1erk~~ ~ 1: y~ ~ ~ ~ecember 13~, 19`~7 Speais~]. ~eet3ng of the Council caZled with ~apor Burt presiding. Uaon ro11 call Counci.:l~tten Lee, pence and Jacob~ repvrted prese~nt. Absent councilm~n Brennan. 1~az,UTION ~c~. 382 ~ RESaLUTION ~F THE CI3'Y GC?U~T~IL t3F THE CTTY ~F ~RROYO GRAN~E COAISENTZNG TO ~HE CO~C~T OF 14NI~FXATID~I PR4?CEIDINGS F~R THE A~A1'E~TIO~ T~ THE CTTY C?F .,ARRfly4 ~RANDE 4~' CF~TAIN INHA~fI~EI3 .~1D UP3IATCQR.PC}RATED T'BRRTfif}RY IN `t'~ COURTZ'Y' {3F ~iT . LUIS OBISPO~ STATE ~F CALiFORNI'A~ C{?NTIGUf3U'S T~ ~'HE CTTY OF ARR~YO ~~ANDE D:SSI~rN~iTED A3 ~F.AIR OAKS A~AJOR~ Un motian of ~auneilman Pence, seconded by Couneilman Lee, and on the follc>win~ roll eall vo'~e, to ~rit: AYES: Burt, Lee, pence and Jacobs. N~FS: ATone .AB3ENTs Brenr~an. the foregoing Resol~tion was adopted this 13th day of Decemb~r 1Q57« ~ic further busine~s appearing upon motion the m~eeting ad~ourned. ATTFST: ~ t~-~„~ ~ ° ~ ~ ity ler3~ ~ ~or