Minutes 1957-12-17 . .Arre~r4 Grande, Cal3.f. December 17, 1957 The City CounciT met in re~ul:ar sessint~ ~r3.th Magor Burt presiding. Upan roll call. ~ounci7.~nen I.ee, Pence and Brenr~an reported present. ~ib~ent Conn~3.lm~an Jaeobs. The Minutes af the previaus regular and special ~eetings ~ere read and appreved as read. An ardinar~ce prepared for the annexation of F''a~.x~ Qaks ~10. ~ was read for the first time and a3.so the 4rcLi.na~+ce prepared gar the ~nn~xation of Fair Oaks No, 3. The cosmn.uiication frc~~ the ~ountp setting a~eting on pinball ~ua.chines was r~ad and the Cauncil a~;reed to hold oqer before making a.r~ ehange. Water lines 3~a the '~Tilkin~an-Bon~our :~divisi~n were di~cu~sed. A].so water t« the twa houses on the hill above the ~ubd3,vision. Tt ~as finally agare~d to a11ow them to have 2 meters irastall~d on the road in the subdivisior~ and run a li.ne with boo~ter tc> each hbuse and it t,o be understood no other haus~~ be cr~nnected to the lines or meters~. 1~. A~der~on had ~ letter from Mr. Kerineth Beelt outli~i.ng c~r~.ina~e plans for FIa].cgon Rc~ad and the area ~iest of the raad. Zt ~ra.s agreed tc have Mr. Beck gi~e i~ fu11 de~ils on plans and ~pecificaticns before agreeing to con'Gribute the State ~ur~.d~ buclgeted. Councilman Pence reqtiested per~ission to leav~e the State Dece~ber 22ndi 1957 to January lcth, 195~• ~s mdved~ aeoo~ded and carried the request be grant.c~d~ Bills aga~n,st the f3eneral Fund for ~3297.23 w~re audited, appraved and ordered paid, No further bu~iness appearing, upon motican the ~eti~ng ad~ourned, / ~ , ATTE~T s ~./4 T. r'`~ , ~ ity lerk . ar