Minutes 1958-01-07 80 Arroyo ~rande, Cal3.;f'. January 7, 1958 " The City Cotwcil met in regular Se883oI1 wj.:~h M~y'~r' Bt1rt pTesicl'3.r1g~ Upca roll call GouA,cilmen I~ee and ~enee reported presen~. ~.bsent Counci.~sn Jacobs and Brennan. . The mirsutes of the previous regu].ar ~eting t~ere read and approved a~s read, It was agreed to hold over the Alpine and Newmara. ~rive Sewer bids until further checking o~s the easeme~ts. Hcjtir~cy was present to di.scuss the re~val and de~olit3or~ of th~ ald City Ha11 and Fire House. ~e agr~ed to pay ~1W.0~ but would like a little ~i~?e ~ make the pay~ent. ~r. Harris agreed to dra~ up the a~ree~ent for hi~ to sign. ` ~derson reported on pai.nti~ag Crc~ss~s].ks at the school and agrsed to have it 'tak~n care of. Z'he request for a water line on a 3a ft. easement was made by A. V. ~ww~eels and L. P. Atewman. Af~er so~ discussion it was agreed to put the line in if "the~r paid ~1.C10 per ft, and give the ease~ents. Water on 18th Street from Grand Ave. ~as diseussed ai.s there had been a request for water by several property owners. It was agreed to hold the matter over nntil next meetin~ to check financea. The heading of Orcliriaxice No. 122 wa~ read and a~ti~n was Ynad~ by Couneilmarn Penee, s~canded by eouneilman I,ee to dispense ~ith readix~ the balsnce of the orclir~anee. ORDINANGE N0. 122 ~ .AN ORDINANCE OF TFiE CITY ~F ~RRQYO GRANDE, PROVIDIATG FOR THE AIdNEXATI4N OF CEftTAIN UNINHABITED TFRRI~ORY TO TI~E GITY OF ~RRflYO aRANDE 'C)n motion of Counci].ma.n Lee, s~con.d~d bg Councilman Pence, snd oa the followir~g roll call ~ate, to wits ~YES; Councilmen Burt~ I,ee and ~'ence N0~ s D~one ABSENTs Councila~,n Jacobs and Brennan. the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 7~h clay of January~ 19~~. di The heading of Ordin~anca No. 123 was read and ~ motion ~s made by ~cuncilman Pence, secanded by Covnczilman Lee to dispen~e ~rith reading the b~lanee of the Ordinanee. ORDIATANCE N~. 123 . ..l~~N ORDTNANCE ~F TH~ CITY' OF ARRC?YO GRAND~, PR4vIDIPtG FOR THE ~tE~CATTON OF C~RTIRi UNINHAFITED TEftRIT~RY' TO THE CITY OF ARROYD GRANDE ' C?n motion of eounci].man T+ee, ~econded by Goun~i].man Pence, and oa the following ro11 eall vot~, to-~3.ts ~,IrESa Councilmen ~urt, Lee and Penc~r NOFS s None ABS~NT: Cauncilmen Jacobs and Brenrian the foregoiri~ Ordinance ~ras ~dopted th3s ?th day of January, 195$ RLSOLUTIpN N0. 383 R~pI,UTION OF ~HE CITY C4UNCIL OF ~'HE CITY QF ARRaY~ ~RANDE AGKN~WI.EDGING THE R,E'CEIPT 4F A CO£~Y ~~'A14TIG;~ QF IN~EN~I~N TO GZRCULATE PETITI~N FQR THE ANNE~ATION OF T~RIT~RY DFSIG~TATED AS "FA2R O.~KKS I~A,JOR~ AND A~T ~FFIDiAVIT OF PTIBLICATI~~ THERFAF AIdD APPRO~II~1G THE C TRGULA.TIQI~ 4F THE PE'PITIO~. ~n ~tia~. of Gouncilman Pence, s~conded by ~QUncilman Lee~ and og the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: ~YESr Council~en ~urt, Z~se and Fence. NOES: A1ane A&SENTs GQUncilmen Br~nnan and dacobs. the fore~oing Resolution ~ras adopted this ?th day of Janu~ary, 19~$. ' It was agreed to call fc+r bids on Gasoli.ne, for the co~ning year _ to b~ opened the 1st meet~.ng in ~ebruary. Uniforms for the S~treet and ~dater ~epart~ent ~ras to be eonsidered at a later ~eeting when ~,1.]. Gounc~.lmen Were pre~ent. Bills aga~is~st the General Fund for ~7783.Z1, the Water Fund for ~t2.81~ the Sp~cial Gas `~s;x Strest Improvement Fund for $l~Ot?.0~' and the ~ater ~epo~it fund fc~r ~12.~~ were audited, approved, and ordered paid. It ~s moved, secondecl and earried that oouehers No. ,~3 throt~h ~o. 50 b~ authorized ~or trans~'er. ~ No ftiarther business appearinga uPi~a m~tion the me~ting ~d~ourned. dTTESTt ~ r ~ ~ ity 1~rit y