Minutes 1958-01-21 82 Arrc~o Grand+~, Caiif . Januaxy 21, 19~8 ~'he Cit~ Co~cil met in regular ses~ion irith Mayor ~urt pre- siding. Upon roll call Gouneil.men Lee, Pence and Jacob~ reported present. Absent Gouncilman Brennan. Miriutes of ths previous reg~l.ar ~eeting w~re read and approFed as read. RESOLUTION N~. 38l~ RFSOLUTIORT (3F` TTi~ GITY COUNCTL ~F THE CI2'Y OF ARR~Y~ GR,~N,DE GHAI~IGING TF~IE TIME OF I~T~: II~GS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRDY~ GRANDE. On motion of Cour~cilman Lee, seeonded by ~ounci7.man Jacobs, and on the iollawing ro3.1 call qote, to wits AYES: Counci].man ~urt, Lee, Pence and Jaeobs. AtOES: Idone ABSENT: Gouncilman Brennan. the foregoing Resolution was adopted. ~pwle ~ra~ presen~ to represent persons i.nterested in purehasing acreage on the south side of Farrel Road. xe reported they planned on using it for a Trai.l.er ~aurt and asked if they coLtl.d have it hooked to the Citg Sewer Line as the trunk line run in baek of the property and also a line ran do~rn Farrell Road. He was ~tc>1d the property would have to be annexed to the ~itv before it would be p4ssible to co~ect t~c> the sewer and also they would have to survey the property to sae if it was possible to get intc the sewer. xe was told tcj check with the eounty Planning Comanisgion on the zt~ni~g of the property. Supplemental bids on the South Alpin~ and Nswman Drive Sewers xere opened and taken under adeisement. Gec~. Pearson was pres~nt to diseu.ss the relocation of water lin~ necessary far the construction of the Freeway. The plans were taken under advisement for further study. . Mr. ~ndersen was asked to get prices on trimi.ng the trees bn Grand A~ve. ~r. Anderson reported Cal PoZy was interested in having th~ Gitg re- ~ind the brooms on their street sweeper. It was decided to allo~ them to use the machine or if City help would do t~he work on 5aturdays on their days off, othex~ise the City would not do the work. Mr. Anderson was authorizEd to have white lines put on the tiarns on ~ally-Ko Road to see ~i.f it ~,ro~zl.d help ta dc~ away ~rith accidents. Construction 4;~ sewers ~nd streets on South A~,pj.ne and Newman ~ri~rs was discussed and ~ir. Ra.y Broxn was agreeable ta the ~asement on h3s property, Mr. ~.edr3eksen and Mr, Bright were agreeable to the easements to be written up by I~9r. Harris. Mr. Abel was not agreeable to the easement on his praperty and Mr, Ha.rris ~was to prepare papers for conde~ation on his property for the easement. The sewer bids having been ehecked by the engineerin~ T3ept. and appro~red a rnotion ~as made by Couneilman Pencet seconded by Counciiman Lee to award the bid to L. E;, W~bb Construction Co, and that the l~ayor be authorized t,ca sign For the City. T~tion carried. A motion was made by ~ounci.lman Jacobs, seconded by Gouncilman Pen.ce to award the bid on stree~s to Waltez~ Bros. with aZternates A and B and P~iayor Burt authorized to sign the Contract fpr the City, ~ Bills against the General Fund for ~327~.13 ~rere auditerl, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing~ upon motion the meeting adjourned. r ATTEST: itv lerk -d ~or . Arroyo Cxrande, G~].if. 5:3o P.M, January 31, 1958 ' Specia~ meeting called by Maygr Burt to author3z~ condeamat3.on af easement~ on ~b~1 ~'roperty and adopt ~rater budget on operating exp~nse. Mayc~r Bvrt gresided and Covncilm~n Lee, Pence and Jacobs reported pre~ent. Ab~ent Councilman ~er~nan. RESOLUTION N0. 385 IN THE MA~'TFR ~F THE CO~DE[~iATION OF THE ABEL PROPF~TY On motion of ~otzncilma.ri Jacob~, seconded by Councilman Lee, and o~ the following rall call vote: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, ~'ence and Jacobs NUESs None ABSEN`P: Gourieil~n Brennan ths foregoing ftesolution was adapted. It Wa~ moved, second~d and carried that the water budget b~ aciopt~d as presented. St ~ reported ~Ir. Howry had not ~igned the contraet and b~ou~t in the bond and insurance bond for re~val o~ the old ~ity H~„1 and Fi,re I~ouse and he waa~ to have ? ciays f'ro~a this date ta bring 3.n his, papers. No further business appearing 'the m~eting a urned. ~ b~ . tTTF.ST s : ~-c' ~ - - L ~ YO