Minutes 1958-01-31 And.erson reported Ca1. Poly ~ras interested in having the Gity re- wi.nd the brooms on their street sweeper. It ~a.s deeided ta a11Qw them to use the maahine or if City help woul,d do t,he work on Saturda.ys on their days off, othert~ise the City would not do the work. Mr. Anderson wa.s suthorized to hav~ wYiite lines put on the turns on T~.ly_Iio Road to se~ if it t~uld help to do awa.y with accident~, Construct3on 4f sewers and streets on South Alpine and Newman ~rive was discussed and ~ir. Ra:y ~ro~n was ag~eeable to the easement on his property. ~i.edricksen and Mr. $right were agreeabl~ to the easements to be written up by l~r. Harris. Mr. .~bel t~as not agreeable to the e~sement on his property and I~r. Ha~rris was to prepare papers for eondemnation on his property for the easement. The sewer bids ha~.ng been checked by ~he engineering Dept. and approved a motion ~ras made by ~ounci7.man Pence, seeonded by Councilman Zee to award the bid to L, Wgbb Constructi,on ~o. and that the Y~a~ror be authorized to sign for the C~ty, 2~i~~~on carried. ~ motion ~a.s made by Councilman Jacob~, second~d by Couneilman Pence to award the bid an streets to Wa.l.ter Bros, with alternates A and B and Mayor Bur~ authorized to sign the Contract for the City. Bills against the G~;neral Fund for ~327~,1$ were audited, ~pproved and ordered paid. Ko further bnsiness appearing, upon motion the meeting ad~o ~ ned. ~ . ~TT&fiT: ` ity lerk 6 yar .t~rroyo C*rande, Galif. 5:3o P,M. Janu~axy 31, 1958 • Specia~ meeting caZled by Mayar Burt to author3ze co~demnatifln c~f easement~ on gb~l Propert~r and adopt water budget on operatin~ expen~e. Ma~r Bvrt presided and Cou~cil~n Lee, gence and Jacob~ reported pres~nt, Ab~ent Couneilman Brennan. RESOLt3~SON N0. 38~ IN THE 1~A,TT~ OF THE COIdD~TATION dF THE AB~'L, FROPERTY ~n motion of ~ovncilm~.n Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Le~, aud e~n ; the follo~ri.ng ra]1 call vot~s AYES: Coun~ilm~n Burt, Lee, gence and Jacobs NC?ES: Ptone ~BSENT: Couricilman Brenr3~a.n the foregoing R.esolution was adop~ed. It was au~v~d, seconded and carried that the water budget be aclopted Y` a~ presented. Tt ~s reparted A~r. How.r~r had not ~igned the contrac~ and brou~it in the bond ~nd insurance band far re~val o~ the old ~ity Ha~.7. and Fire House and he w~s to have 7 days ~`rc~ this date to bring 3.n his,papers. No further business appearing 'the meet3.ng a urued. ~ ;;-~y . dTTEST t ~ , ; " ~w~~ CL