Minutes 1958-02-25 .C?C7
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
Fel~uarsr 25, 1958
~he City Council met in regular session with Ma.yor ~urt presiding., Upon ,
~ ra11 call Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and reported present.~;~i~
Minutes of the previ.ous regular meeting were read and appraved as read.
Mr. Anderson gave estimates for removing or trir~m~.ng the txees on South
Alpine and G~and Ave. as follows~, to fell the trees on South Alpine ~1000.(30~
and on Grand Ave. 629.~.0 for removal or ~313.~0 to trim them up for safety.
Mr. .~.nderson was to eontact propert~r owners on South ~].pine to sse if they ,
xould share'so~ of the cost, as nothing had been budgeted an.d the tr.ees were
in the sidewalk area, Tt was agreed to wait about the Grand Ave, trees as
there might'be an adv~zta.ge to combine the pro3ects. Also Njr. Anderson was
to contact Mr. ~ixon to see if it was agreeabl.e to have the trees felled on
his property a.s had been forr~er].y di.scussed.
Final plans fnr relocation of water lines were cliscussed and ~r. Ande~rson
reported the HigYsway was about ready tc~ call for bids. After di.scussian a
motion was made by Gouneilma.n pence recommencling the plans be accepted and
advertised for bids to be apened Mareh 25th at 8 P. M. The motion was
seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and all members voted ~ye.
~`he requ.est to park a display Ran in f'ront of the ~ity Hall was .granted
to the High School.
Bills agai.nst the General Fund for ~326t~.03 were audi~ed~ approved and
ordered p~id,
No further business appearing upon motion the meeting adjourned.
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.~.TTEST: ; ~ ~ . - L.,,) - .
it~r lerk - cir
March 7, 19~8
Informal meeting of City Council and Grover City Water Board. Present
were I~ayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, dacobs and Brennan~ J. L~ Anderson
and ~hief Mize. From Grover Gity~ Morgan Page~ Boaxd mezribers Bakemans Katley~
Davidson and Harder and ~rs. Keen.
The Council reported the wa~er line on 18th Street followed our Master
Plan to serve the area and the City had no~ served anyone West of 18th St.
~here followed a length~r discuss3.on and ~'Zr. Page reported they had
agreed to make up agreements but to talk it over with their attorney and ha ,
could consult with the ~ity Attorney after the ~ouneil had talked it over
with him.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTE~T• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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City Clerk M~c~r