Minutes 1958-03-11 8?
~ Arroyo t~rande, Calif.
I~arch 11, 1958
The City Council met in regular ~essio~s ~i.th ~iayor B~rt presiding.
Upon roll call Cour~ci.l~nen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brenn,an reported present,
Minutes of the previous regular r~eetirsg wFare read and approved a~
Mr. ~nderson reported he had received ~everal applications far
extension of ~ater I~ain,s. A Motion xa~ made b~ Councilman Brexinan,
seconded by Councilman Fenee to advertise for bid~ on 74~0 f eet of 6
inch a~sbestos ~emwent pips, Bids ta be opened March 25th at 7:3~ P.~4.
.~17. ~ember~ eoted .~ye.
Chief ~ize asked about orderi.n~ a new police car. It xould tak~
6 s~eeks or more .fcm delivery and the present car ~rould have SQ~t'~30
mil.es or nwre. Tt taas a~reed to wa3.t~~#~~..~w~i~i~ befare ~nakin~
the decision.
Fire ~hief ~arsalek reported on the trip to Oakcl~a,~.e for insgecti~n
c~f the new fire truck being prepared for the ~itp. The ~?emb~rs of the
I~epart~nt ~ere well satisfied w3.th the ~quipment and iustallation.
The truck would be ready for testin,~ and delivery about the z~i.ddle v~`
Canstruction of the fire house was di.seu~sed and it ~ras agreed ta
check on the finanees at th~ next meetin~.
~r. t3rville ~ohn was present ar~d asked about chang3.n~ from a
I~ra~chise to a licen~~ on Garbage Collection, The Covncil reported
the~ ~ere weLl ~ati~fied r~.th the franchise spst~m. It ~as a~,r~ed to
atuu~ the ~atter and take the request fer change under adei.sement.
The co~wnication fro~ the ~i.vision oY ~ighways tci Mr. .A~dereon
, reYerring to problems discussed at the January 23rd Meetir~g was read
and d3scussed and ~nderson was to mset t~3.th Mr. Harris a~d prepare
a reply t~o the letter.
Water ~ain eutensian to A].bert Cox3row aa County Park Road ~ras
di~eussed and Cojaneilman Pence racemm~ended the extensian be $ inch
line, ~r. ~.nderson reported the distance ~uld be aro~a~8 22t~ feet~ and
at ~2.~0 per foot he ~rould pa~r He estimated ths i~r~ cost 't,~
the City on sis 8 inch line would. be ~2350. It was a `'~o hold the
Huasna Rc~ad 13.ne over at this tir~.
88 _
A request for 7$0 feet of line cn spruee ~a 195 F~~t Q~ ~Pen was
di:scussed and the line to be installed t~hen the mc~ney was deposit,ed bg
the property cnvners requeating the lirie.
It was a~reed t,c~ change the ehar~e or~ ~ater line extensians and the
follaw3.ng r~solutic~n adc>pted.
RF~4LU`PZON ATO. 387 .
Be it re~ol~ed that the cost of installat3.on of axtensio~ ma3.n~ ugdeY'
th~ provisions o~ Section 1 oP ~?rd5.r~ance No. 112 after l~arch 11~ 19~8:
be and the ~a~e is her~3.th set at ~3.E)0 per liaeal foot. Tl~i.s in-
ereased rate shall not aPP];~' to applicat~ons' pending as of I~arch 11'
1958a ~8$$ ~Y s~~h pending application is hereafter tvrned do~m
by the Council. In sueh event a~ay re-application on behalf of such
prc~pert~* shall thersafter be charged for at the rate required ~'or
such exter~ssion mains at the ti~ of sueh ~e-a.pplication, :
on motiAn of ~dunci7.~ari Lee, and seconded by Cou~ici]~an Pence and on the
followin~ roll call vote to wit:
dYES: Bur$~ I~ee, Pence, Jaeobs and ~eexinan.
~Tt3FS: ~'one
the forego3.ng Resolut3.4n ~ras adopted. '
Bi1.ls a~ai.nst the General Fund far ~lt124.37, the Water Fvnd for
~13C~.17 and the Water I~pa~it Fund fcr ~7.2.00 were audited~ approved~
and ordered paid,
It was ~crved~ seco~ded arid carried that Vaucher~ No. 60 thru No. 69
be authori~~d for teransfer.
No fur'ther b~asines~ appearing and upon NlQtion the ~eet3.nfg ad3o~ed.
ATTEST: ~~y - %~et~~(.
I~Y ~