Minutes 1958-04-15 ~i ~~~cE ~o. i~~ AAT ORDIl~IAAICE AI~PTIA7G THE FIRE~ P~EVENTION Ct7DE~ PRINTED ~I+tD PUBLISHED BY THE NA~.'ION~1L B~}ARD ~F FIRE UNDEE~WRITERS BY R~- FF.ftIIVGE. PREu~RSBING REGUyATIONS" GOY.h.~iTIT~IING CONDITIONS H~ZAR.DOIIS T{~ LIFE AnTD PROPERTY FRC}M FIRE Oft EXI'L03I01~ AI~D EST6BLISHING A BUREAU OF FIN.E PRE9EI~iTTION AND P1~.flVII?IbTQr OFFICERS THF.~.EOF AND ~EFINSNG THEIR DUTI~ AAID POt~S. Un a~tion of Council.man Lee~ seconded by Councilman Penae and on the fo]lcawing rcll eall vc~te, to wit: AY&Ss CautaQi7.~e~ Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan. NOffi: ~one .I1BSEI~T s None the foregoing 4rdinance was adopted this 9t}~ c~aY of ~prili 195~. The plans for the new fi.re house prepared by ~r. And.ersan wer~ lool~ed over snd discussed by the Cauncil~ ~hief ~rsalek and ~r. ~iderscan. It Was agreed to study the plans further as it wa.s felt there ~hould be ~ore room for equip~ent ~han had been first planned. Bi11s against the GeneraZ Fund for ~5~3.99~ the ~ater Fund for ~~919.1~8~, the Water Deposit Fund for $2~.4Q were audited, apprc~~ed, arid ordered paid, ~n motio~.of Gouncilman Jacobs~ seconded by ~nunci2man Hrenna,n,~ ~ouchers No, 70 through ATo. 75 ~~'e au't~a,c~'itied for transfer. 1~tian c~rried. It vas mc~ved, secanded and carried the meeti.zig be ad~ourned t~ April 15,~ 1958 at 7s 3t~ P. ~ ~ ~ ~i A~"PFST: t ~ ~ , ' ~~-y~,t~-,~ cz , Agri1 15, 195g 7:.3~ P+~. The ~ity Counc3.l met in an ad~ourr~ed sess3on with A~a~yor ~urt presiding. On roll, es11 Co~ncilmen Lee, Pence and Brennaa reported present. Absent Ccuncilm~z~ Jacob~. The re~ul.ta o~' the vote cast at the ~pril 8, 1958 General Munici.pal ~Lecstic>n xas read and a~otion made b~ C4uncilmax3 Brenman3 aeconded by Councilman Pence '~p SGCEp't 't.~i@ PBpOI't submd.tted by the ~`l.ection Bc~a,rd. Mvtion G~rried. 9^ , RESOL-t3TSON NOr ,7~79 IN THE COUNCIL UF THE CI'i'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF . CAI,IFC)RNIA, RESflLUTION D~LARING RESULT OF EL~7CTTt7N. ~Ik~tE~,S, a General Mu~.i.cipal electian was held in the ~ity of Arro~^a Grar3d~s on Tuesday, April 8, 1958 as required by la~w. AND WHII3F.~S, it appear~ that notice of ~aid elee~ian was duly and lega7-1.Y given, th,at ~ting precint~ ~rere properly established, that election offieers ~rere appointed ar~d eleetion supplies fvrni~hed~ and that 3.n all respects said election was held and conducted and the vntes cast there at received and canvassed and the returns thereof ms~de a.nd declared in ti.~e~ form and ~er °as required by I.a~r of s3xth class cities. ~T'D ~iHF~ftE~S, the Council cf said City met at the ~ouncil Chambers thereat on Tuesday the ~5th day af ~.pril, 1q58 ta canvass the returru~ of sai.d electicrn~ and install the newlg elected officer~~ and having canvassed sa3.d return~~ t~he eouncil finds that th~ muuber cf votes cast, the names of the perser~ vot.ed for and other matters required by law~ to be as hereinafter stated~` now theref€?re : , BE S~ RF~SOLVED, as :Pollc~s~rs : That ~aid C~enera~. Munieipal ~I.ectian ~as : hel.d ~nd condueted in thes City of ~rroyo ~rande an 2'uesday the 8th day Qf April~ 1958 in ta.~e, for~ and manner as required by law, tha,t there'was one voting precinct established far the pvrpose of hold3.ng said electivn coxlsistSng' of a consal3.dation of the reg~l.ar election precinets established for the halding o~' General ~tate and Count~r elect3:ons as follaWS: ~(Pr~cinct A) e~risir~g ~tate and ~ounty precinets nv~ber aAe, tt~, three, four and ~ive~ and th~~ voting place thereof ~ras the Gity Hall. That the whole mimber of votes east in said City was 391, that the na~es mf the persans voted for, the offiees ~'or which they ~rere voted, the nu~r of the eotes given in each precinct to each of ~sid persons together wit,h the xhol~ r~ber of ~otes whieh tY~ey received in the entire aity are as fsllaxss N~iE ~F PII~SONS QOTED F(}R: J. Pence Cavaeilman ~i,11, ~err~ 31~ Wil2i.am G, Br3.~ht Ceuncilman Fv11 ~er~ M. 19~1].an Darling Govs~.cilman T'''"~u].1 Tex~tt 1tI2 ~arvin K. Hartwig ~ovncilman ~'ull ier~ 26? _ ~~7 R&SOLVED_ TAFR~RE, that at said General ~iuiicipa2 ~.ecticn - J. O, Panee was elec~ed ~auncilman oP the City of ~rroyc~ ~ra~de far the fu17. term of four years. I~ax~vim K. Hart~rig ~a~ elected Co~an~il.man of the ~ity of ~rre~yo Crsnci~ ~Qr the full term o~ fot~r years. The ~it~r Clerk sha]1 i~anediately make and del3~er to each af such persons elected~ a certifi.cate of e~ecti~n, signed by h3m and dul~ aut~tue~'~icated; he sha1.~. also impnse the canstitutir~na]. c~~t~h of cffice and have them ~ubscribe thereto, s~hereupon they sh~ll. be indueted iate the respective offices to t~hich they have,b~exi eleeted. ~n~ mo~ion of Gmxnci]~r?an Brennart~ and seconded by Got~ncilman Lee~ and c~n the f€~llc~wix~g rt~ll c~ll ~ote to-~1i.t: AYESs Councilmen B~rt~ Lee, Pen~e and Brerulan. ~t~JFS: Nons ABSENT: Couneiiman Jacobs. , the foregoing resalution was duly and reg?u7.arly pa~sed by the ~it~ ~oux~il of drroyo c~rr~nde, Califox~.a. ATTEST: N1rs. &~a Sehill~, April 15, 1958. The Cler~ ac'~nnistered the oath of off"ice te> 0. Penc~ and A~ar~ K, ~r'tvi.g and th~ el~cted Covn~i].men took ~heir chairs. ~0ut1c31man Jacobs being absent Mayc~r Burt suggested they eleet the Mayor and the I~a,yor ~o-Te~ at the~ regular ~eeting when ~17. Cc~aueiln~eA were pre~ent. The representati~ve from Yan Pelt t~a~ present and agreed to ~eet ~ith Nk~. Harris ~ dra~t t~a the agreement on lend lease purchase of the Fire Truc:k. It xa~ agreed to pay ~St~.U(3 down on the_truck and spread the balance over ~~nesrs at s3.~ple 5~ Interest and the privilege to pay it ot'f ~t at~,y tim~, Insvrar~ee was to be taken out and a copy of the pclie~ with a~1at~se 3n f~.vor o~ t~he van Pelt Co, ~s tca be attached ~ith the agreement. Infora~al, bid~s ~u a police car were c?pened and the bid subu~itted b;;y Ghrist3.auson GhevrQlet ~ras l.eywest~ the Chief was ~uthoriged t~ have t~he informa,tic+u Qa the purchase xeac~yt for the April 22nd meeting. Nc f'tu•ther business appearing~ upar~ motion the msetin~ ad3ovrned. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dTTESTs ~ . y