Minutes 1958-04-22 9~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. .~.pril 22, 1958 • 2'ize Gity Council met in regu7.ar session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Gounci].men Lee~ Pence~ Jacobs and xart~i.g reported present. Minutes of the prev:ious regular a.nd ad3ourned m~etings were r~ad and approved as read, ~ouncilman Pence reco~ended George Burt continue as Mayor and Council~n Jacobs and Lee agreed. Councilman Pence then made a motion ' t~at George B~rt be re-elected N'ia~ror~ the motion was seconded by Council- man Jacoba and all members voted ~ye. R~SOLUTI~Ai N0. 39~ RES4Lt3TI0N flF TH~ CIT'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RELATIVE TO THE ~.PPflINTMENT ~F l -MAYOR PRA-TEM. ~E~,S, the ~ity of Arroyo Grande has no persan desi~ated to act i.n the plaee and st~:d of the reg~zl.ar Ma.y~r when said Ma.yor is absent. IdC3W TF~t,E~'ORE BE IT RES(7LVED that 3.~ accordance t~ith Section 368~1 •of the Govex•nme~t Code that J. 0. F@~ce be and he-ie here~3.th appointed Mayor Pro--Tem~ to act i~ tk~e place of and ix~. stead of the regul:ar duly appo3.nted Mayor in the event of his abgence. On motion of Couneilman ==~a ~.nd seconded by Councilm~n Jacobs and by the follawing rall ea11 vote te, ~,rit s ..AXXES: Councilmen ~urt, Zee, Jacobs and ~artwig. • IdOESs None .ABSENT: ATone - Cc~uncilma~ Penee abstains. . the foregaing resolution was adopted. - Mayor B~t appointed the follc~wing Commi.ssioners: - Caunei].r~an Lee = Fire ~nd Poliee • Counci~lman Penee - Water . Councilrnan Jacabs - Finance Councilman Hart~rig - Streefi.s Mayor B~t welca~d the high s~chool studelnte~ attendi.n.g the ~eting as honorazy Clty ()fficial~. .A.~tion xas made by Gouncilman ~acobss s~sconded by ~ouncilman Pence ta reappoint all ~i~y Employees. ~otion carried, ~a~ Councilman yence made a;~a~tion to accept the bid of M. Lyles Co. for relocating ~rater lines and the I'~a.yor be authorized to sign the contract, the motion was seconded by Councilman Lee and all members vated aye. N.~. Harris agreed to prepare a notice eal.ling .for bids on a se~rer line on the Heidker property when the plans were reac~. On motion of ~ouncilman Lee the resignation of Paza.I. Martin was aacepted and Jae1c Doli was appoi.nted to serve as police officer at the plea~ure of the eouncil~ the motion was secended by Co~ncilman Pence and all members voted Aye. ~n motion of Gouncilman I.ee, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs~ Ch~i.ef Mize was authc3rized to place an order for the Ch~vrol.et car to repla.ce t,he police car. ~otion carried. ~oLUTI~N N0. 391 - ~~tF~S, the eJteise tax on telephane service was a wartime measure, inte~ded to diseourage the use af P3.ta1 co~ munication facilities; and ~ ~l~tE~S, the ~ed fc~r this has lon~ sinee ceased; and WHEftEA~S, the tel~phone is a neeessity in ovr • modern economy, and under no circumstarlees may be ter~d a luxurY3 and ~ WHEREAS, the tau is d.iscrimina~ory in that other eital utility serv:iees are not ~o ta~ed. NOW, TlifftE, BE IT RESOI,FED tha.t this ~ouncil re- ~ quest the Congress of the United ~tates to repeal the burdensome and highlg diseriminatory telephone e.~cise t,a~c. On motion of ~oun~cil~nan Penc~~ seconded by Gounci].m~an Lee and on the following roll ca11 vote ta wit: AYF.S: Couneilmen Burt, Lee, Pence~ Jacobs and Fiartwig, NOFS: None ABSENT: Idone th~ forego3ng resolution was adopted. A~wtion was made by ~our:~3.lman Lee ~n~~t~Lng Mayor &art to sign the lease rental agreement for the fire truek and also authorizing the elerk to c3raw a warrant for ~~t~O;C~ rental payment to the ~an Peli~ Ca,~, the motion wa.s seconded by ~ouncilman dacobs and a11 members voted Aye, ~s 7~'he clerk was i.ns~ructed to checlt on ths insurance for the fire truek. . Councilman Jacobs requested permission to ~Sa,v~e~.~he state for clays and it was ~ved, secQnded and earried that the request be grantec~. Ma,yor Buurt appointed ~ouncilm~n dacobs to work w3th him ox~ a stuc~y of off st~t~eet parking. It was agreed to have a City Cleanup week May 5th to 9t~h. Cht Ynot,ion of Councilman Lee, secanded by Counci~man Jacobs~ ~hief Mize s~as given per~ci.ssion to attend the Peace Officer's Meeting, June 8- lath in Long Beach. ~ Bills against the General Fund for ~8253.13 ~e audited„ approved and ordered paid. No further business appeaxing, upon motion~. e n~eting adjourned. ATTE5T:: ti' ~'C_~' J~~ l ~ , ~ YO ~ ~ ~ . , Arroyo Grande, Ca1.if'. ` ~a~ ~.3, i95~ The ~ity Council met in regular session with A~ayor ~urt presiding. Upon roll o~.l.]. Couneilm~n Lee~ Pence and Jacobs reported present. Counc3l-- ma.n Hart~rig arrived later. NXinutes of the preYi.ous regx~l.ar meeting were read and appro~ed as read, Communi~ations from Dr. :~war~out and the ~ood'~ Ani.mal Shelter Societg ~rere read and ci3.scussed and the material taken under ~dvise~nt to be disaussed ~rith Mr. Harris~ the ~it~ attorney. Mr. Anderson reported Albert ~onrow was interested in.extension of water ].ine tc~ his propert~r on ~iuasna Road and the matter was to be discussed further before making any decisian. Mr. Anderson had bids from ~aury Brennan and ~hristianson ~hevrolet for pickups and a S'fi8.'t3.8Y1 TdS~OAi H8 TrT$S checking the figures ~.nd finance~ were discussed. It was ~greed the construction o~' the ~ire House would have to be postponed until sufficient funds were availa~le and money budgeted for a backhoe weuld be usesd to pUrchase the station wagon and AickuPs• A motion ~as made by Councilman Hax~twig, seconded by ~ouncilman Penc~ to pureha~e 2 pickups and a station ~ragon from Ghristianson Chevrolet as the bid submitted b~ them wa.s the lowest. All members voted Aye.