Minutes 1958-05-13 :96 ~he cl,erk was iris~ructed to check on ths insurance for ~he fire truek. Counci7xr~an Jacobs requested permission to ~eeave~~e sta.te for da~ and it ~a.s ~ved~ seeanded and carried that the request be grantec}. Mayc~r Burt appoir~ted ~ounci].man Jacabs to work ~th him on a stuc'~ of off stseet parking. ~ . It was agresd to have a City C1.eanup week May 5th to 9'~. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded b~r Counci~man Jacobs~ Ghief P~i.ze was given permrLssion to at~end the Peace Officer's Meeting~ June 8- lf1'~h ~ in Long Beach. • Bills against the Ggneral Fund for ~8253.13 we~e audited3 approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing~ upan ~ation~he nu~eting ad~ourned. , , , ATTEST:.;X , a u, __~Y~~ , Arroyo ~rande, Galif. ' Ma.y 13, 1958 The City Council met in regular session with A~ayor ~urt presiding. Upon roll o~.l,l ~ou.ncilmen Lee~ Pence and Jacobs reported present. Council- man Hartwig arrived later. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Commur~i.cation~ f"rom Dr. ?~artout and the ~oodt~ &~im~1 ~helter Soci.e~y were read and d3.scussed and the material taken under ad~:i.se~nt to be discussed ~rith Mr. Harris~ the ~3t~r ~ttorney. N1r. .A,nderson reported Mr, ~.lbert ~onr~r was ir~terested in extension of water line to his property on Huasna Road and the matter was to be discussed further before making any decisio~. Mr. Anderson ha.d bids from ~aury Brennan and ~hristianson Chevrolet for pickupg and a statian w~~on. Iie was checking the figures and finance~ were discussed. It was agreed the construction of the ~'ire House would have to be postponed until sufficient funds were availa~le and money budgeted for a backhoe weuld be us~d to purchase the station wagon and PickuPs• , A motion ~ras made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence to purchase 2 picku~s and a sta.tion wa.gon from ~hristiansan ~hevrolet as the bid subm.itted by them was the lowest. A1.1 members voted Aye, :8? ~r.~Warren Binzley requested permission to sell safe and sane fireworks approved by the ~tate Fire l~arshall. ~he location was to be in the 800 b1oCk on Gr~nd ~.ve. ~.~ter discussian the Council. approved the request. The Gertificate of ~ufficiency of the sig~ature~ on the petitions for anne~tion of Fa,i.r Oaks Major was read and it was a~reed to ~djourn the. ~meeting.to May 1l~th to pass the Resolution to be prepared by Mr..Harris, ~ir. ~nderson reported ~rork would start on the wa.ter mains an Poo1e and Shoxt streets within a couple weeks and after the lines axe corapleted the streets would be resurfaced. Bills against the ~eneral Fund for ~8957.77~ the ~later Fund.for ~15,655.~~s the ~ater ~eposit Fund for ~8.~ and the Sewer Rental Fund for ~118.15 were audited~ approved a,nd ordered pa3d. On motion of ~ouncilm~n Jacabs, secanded b~r Councilman Zee,,vouchers No, ?6 through No. 81 were autharized for transfes°. All member~ voted ~ye. ' It was moved, seconded and carried ~he meeting be ad.3ourned to 5%3~ P.~. weanesa~~~ M~ i4t~, 1958. , ATTEST: ' , , ' ' City Clerk , gc~' ~rroyo Grande, Caiif. 5:3o P. r~. 1ls, 1958 The Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor ~Burt gresiding. Upon roll call ~ounci].men Lee, Fence, Jacobs and Hart~rig reported present.. RE.SOLUTI4N N~. 392 A RESOyUTION OF THE CITY G4UNCTL OF THE CI3'Y QF ARRUY4 GRANDE ~LARIAtG ITS 3NTENTION TO CAI,L A SPECIAL ~~C- TIO~T IN CE~TAIN INHABIT~D TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO SASD CITY PROPOSID T(3 BE ANNEXID TH~ET~, FQR THE PURFOSE OF St3BP~ITTING TO THE QUAZIFIED ELECT4R.S KF~IDING IAI SAID T~t.ITORY THE QUESTI~N ~IHETH~. i9R NOT S1~ID TERRI- , TORY SHALI, BE A~T~ID TO TFiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE~ AND FIXING A TIP~ AND PLACE L~F-IEN AND WHEftE ANY PE~t.SOAT OWN:[NG R~,T, PR~PF~RTY WITHIId SU~H TFRRITOftY MAY APPE~R BEFORE - SAID CITY CflUNCIL AND Si~OW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY S~iOULD NOT BE SO ANNF.~ED. (nFAIR QAKS _ I~IAAJOR~ A~iNEX. ) On x~otion of Gounci].man Jacobs, seconded b;~ Councilman Pence and on the following roll call vote t~.o ~.ts AYES: Cpuncilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. NOES:_ None ~BSENT: Rione the foregoing Resolution was adopted. P~. Ar~derson aslted about the charge for a 6~inch water line on Brighton East of 18th Street, I~t was agreed t,o charge ~1.5Q Pe~ ft. as the area sauth of Brighton ~rould be in the ~rover ~it~ ~ater gistrict. No further business appearing upoa~ motion the rneeti.ng adjourned, p ~ . ~ _ ATTEST: fi'~.c ~ , z,~ _ ity lerk ~ yor