Minutes 1958-05-14 8'~ I~..Warren Binz]:ey requested permission to sel:I safe and sane fireworks approaed by the ~tate ~ire I!~arshal.l, ~he location wa.s to be in the 800 blo~k on Grand ~v~. After discussion the Council approved the request. The Certificate of ~~:Lf~iciency af the si~,tures on the pet3.tions for annexation of' F'air Oaks I+~ajor was read and it was agreed to adjourn the. ~eeting,to l~ay l~th -to pass the Resolution ta be prepared by Mr..~iarris. ~iderson reported work would st,art on the water mains on Paole axid Shoxt streets w3.thin a couple weeks and after the lines are completed the streets would be resurfaced. Bills against the ~eneral Fund for ~8957.77~ '~1~e ~atar Fund.for ~15,65~.~0~ the ~ater ~eposit Fund for ~8.C)0 and the Sewer Rental ~und for ~118.15 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. On motion of ~ouncilm~n Jacobs, seconded by Councilman ~ee,,~'ouehers Na, 7b through No. 81 were suthorized for transfer. Al1 membera voted ~ye, " It was moved~ seconded and carried ~he meeting be ad~ourn~d to 5s30 P.M. wednesday, Ma,Y 1li.th, 1958. -7 .;_1 ~ C, ATTEST: ~ , s 4' City lerk t. yor' t Arroyo Grande, Caiif. 5:3o P. ~a~ 1ls, 1958 The Gouncil met in an adjourned session with Mayor $urt presiding. Upon roll call Counci].men bee~ Fence, Ja.cobs and Hartwig reported present.- RESOLUTI01~ N0. 392 A RESOLUTIOPJ OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY C3F ARROYO GRAIJI3E ~CLARING ITS SNTENTION TO CALL A SFECIAL ~°.BC- TION IRT C~ZTAIIV INHABITED TEftRITQRY C~~tTIGUQUS TO SAID CITY PROP~SED TC? BE ANNEXED TH~ETO, F~R THE PURPOSE • OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS R~IDI~IG IN SAID TEftRITORY THE QUESTION WHE`I'HE~?. ~t NOT SAID TF~RRI- , TORY ~HAZL BE ANNnCED TO THE CITY OF ARftOY~ GRANDE~ AND FIXING A TIME AND PI.ACE WHEN AN~ WHEEt.E ANY PEftSON dWi~1ING RE~L PROPIl3TY WITHIN SUCH TERRITOftY A~AY AFPEAR BF~'OftE SAID CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WtIY SUCH TII3RITORY SHOULD I~OT BE SO ANN~ED. ( nFAIft OAKS . MAJQR~ ANN~C. ) On ~tion of Gounci.7.man Jacobs, seconded by ~ouneilman Pencs and on the fo7lowing roll call vote to ~,rits AYESs Gouncilmen Burt~ Lee~ Pence, Jacobs and ~artwig, NOES:. None ~BSENT : Idone the foregoing Resalution was adopted. I~. Anderson asked about the charge for a 6-inch water line on Brigh~4n East o£ 18th Street. It was agreed to charge ~1.50 per° ft, as the axea sou'~h of Brighton would be in the ~rover city ~ater District. No further business appearing upon motion the meeting adjourned, , „ i; ~ . , ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ity lerk ! yor