Minutes 1958-06-24 Mr. Wm. Met~ sai.d he was not for or against the annexation but
would like the Gouncil to answer some questions on the policy of the
Couneil. ~'ris informed him this was not the ti.me to enter into
a discussion and he would be glad to talk to him after the ~neetin~
and if he wished he mi.ght attend the June 2~tth regular meeting of
the ~ouncil and all Council meznbers would be present tcs ar~wer hi~ Qt~stions. ~
No one further wishing to protest~on Mation of Councilman Les the
heari.ng was eontint~.ed to 8 P. M. June 2l~~ 1958 to allow time to chec~ .
the signatures and valuations on the petition~' ~ouncilman F~ax'twi~ seconded
, y_
the ~tion and the meeting adjourned.
~ , 3
< ~c
At~est: ~ ~ ~
ity lerk _ Mayor
Arroyo Grande, Ca13f,
~ruuxa..e 21~, ~958
The City ~ouneil met in regular session with Mayor ~urt presidi.ng.
Upon ro]1 call eouncilmen Zee~ Penee and Jaeobs reported present.
Councilman Hartwig arrived a little later,
Minutes of the previous regular and ad~ourned meeting were read aad
, approved as read.
7.'he request from Mrs. ~u,7.lickson and ~~s. ~ognazzini ~or abandon~ent
/ of Cross ~treet was referred to -the Planning ~ornmission for theix
Mr. ~nderson asked about the charge for a water line on Orchard
Street for a lot where water had not been available due to splitting
of the lot. After discu.ssion a mot3.on was made by Councilman Penee~
seconded by Councilman I~artwig to waive the ~1.50 per foot charge on the
lot. Motion carried,
At 8:OQ P.M, Mr, Ha,rris asked if there were any more petitions
protesting anne~cation and no one present had further protests. Six
property owners had requested their names be ~ri.thdrawn f'rom the protest
petitions. On motion of ~ouncilman Pence seconded by ~ouncilman Les the
hearing was to be continued to June 30th at 8 P.M. for the purpose of
co~leting the check on protests and withdrawal protests for sufficiency
of the protes~. McstiQn carried.
Mr. Metz asked about fire hydrant installation if the area was annexed.,
' He was inf'ormed the Couneil had gone on record to i.nstall fire hydrants
as funds would become available and location of plugs in tentative areas
had been d.iscussed. ~e also asked about loeation of the fire house and
was informed the Boaxd of ~'ire Underwriters had approved the present
- location since most of the valunteer firemen come from this area.
l~r. Andrus asked about water on property he was selling be].o~rr Chilton
Road, He was told they would try and co~ne up with a solution at the
Monday evei~~ meeting.
Water to the property which Mr, Abel ~ra.s selling on ~outh ~1pin~
was discussed,and a motion was made by ~ouncilman Zee that ~r, dbel~s
water meter be moved to his property on the south and he would have a.
refund from the p~operty owners he had sold to and also from the property
to the ~est whenener theg hooked on the line. Councilman Jacobs seconded
the motion and all members voted Aye.
1~. Johns was present to discuss the gas~bage F~anchise and after
a lengthy discussion, I~Ia~or ~urt appointed a co~rnn.ittee to study the
Garbage agreement and rates and report at the last meeting in Ju].y,
~ounci.lman ~'snce was to be Chairman with ~ouncil~n Lee and Haxt~aig on
the Comanittee.
A motion was then made by Counei].man ~artw~.g that P~r. Lierly pay
the regular rate for garbage service until the rnatter was settled. ~he
motion was~seconded 1~y ~ouncilman Lee and all members voted Aye.
Bills against the General Fund for ~J~2l~5.62 were auclited, approved
and ordered paid,
Youchers No. 8b - 87 and 88 were authorized for transfer.
No further business appearing~ upon motion the meeting adjourned to
Monday evening~ June 30th~ 1958 at $ P.M.
ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ , E ~ ~ ~
City lerk or