Minutes 1958-06-30 la~ Arroyo Granae, calif. 8 P.M. dune 30, 1958 The City Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee~ Pence, Jacabs and Kartwig reported present. Mayor B~$ asked I~r, Harris to take charge of the hearing. 1 r. Harrig ~i.d a valua.tion of the public owned property should be set. RESOLUTIO~T ~TO. 393 RF~OLVED THE VALUATIOAI OF THE R.~II~VOIR SITE ON BRISGO TRACT BE SET AT ~337.00 P~t ACr~E ~+TITH ASSESSED VALUE _ OF ~67~..00 FOR TH~ 2 AGRES OWNED BY THE CTTY OF ARROY~ GRANDE. On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs~ seconded b~r counci7~man Lee and the follow- ing roll ca11 vote to-witz ~.YFS: Gouneilmen Burt~ Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. ~ NO~: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted. R~OLUTION N0. 39~. RESQLVED THAT THE !~p ACRES OWNED BY THE CITY ~F' . ARROYO GRANDE LYING W~"~;ST OF ELM S1RE~T BE VAI,UID AT $250.00 PII3 ACRE ~S OTH~t. PROPER.TY IN THE AR.~A WAS ASSFSSID. TOTAL ~10~000. On motion of ~ouncilman Hartwwi..g, seconded by CQUncilman ~'ence and by the following roll call vote,, to-wit: AY.r~S: Counci].~en Buxt, Les~ Pence~ Jacobs and Ha.rtwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION N0. 395 RESOLVED 7.'fiE gAZUATION OF ^1HE GRQVER GITY COUNTY WATE~t DISTRICT BE SET AT' ~33? PE~ ACRE. T'OT~L ~w67~..00 On motion of Councilman Jacobs~ s econded by councilman Lee and lb~rethe follo~ring ro]1 ca7.1 vote to-~r5.t: AYES: Council.~n Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hart~aig. NOFS : None ABSIIJT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted, . Councilman Pence made a motion to approge and recogni.ze a11 the w3.thdrawals from the original protests~ the motion was seconded b~r eouncil- man Jacobs and all members voted Aye. Councilman Hartwi.g made a motion to accept all of the pratests filed~ the motion was seconded by Gouncil.~nan ~enee and ~he motion carried. The Total assessed valuation was ~3~.7.~78~ and with the ~ity owned property of ~10~67~t~ the Total was $3~2~~.5}~. ~he original protest petitions was ~lIt9~1~20 and the additional protests filed was ~p72j~.75 making the tatal protests ~161, 895. ~~e amount Qf tY~,e withdrawa].s was ~273~ leaving to~a7. protests of ~159,165. The protests being less than 5C~ of the total valuations Mr. Harris read an Ordinance he had prepared to call for and - se~ the date of an election. motion was made by ~ouncil.man Lee to advertise for bids on the fire~house the bids to be opened July lsth, 1958 at 8 P.l~l.y the motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and a11 members voted Aye. x~ozt~rl0~r ~ra. ~96 RFSQLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIVDE ADOPTING BU~DGGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUAS ~F AGR~~ENT FOR EXPENDITtTRE OF GAS TAX ALL~GATION FQR MAJ~R CITY STREETS On motion of Councilman Jaeobs~ seconded by Gouncilma.n Lee and by the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilm~:n Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Iia~rartwig IdOES : Idone ABSET~t' : None the foregoing Resolution was adopted. A motion was made by Co~cilman Pence~ seconded by Gouncilman L~e to advertise for bids on a sewer line in Jones Tract for the HeidkEr praperty, ~`he bids to bs opened July 15~ 1958 at 8 P.M, A.1.1 members voted Aye, A bill against the G~neral Fund for ~973.b6 and the water fund for ~5d~.59 were audited, approved and ordered paid, It was moved and seaonded the meeting ~e adjourned to 5:,~ P.M. Tuesday~ July l~ 19~8. , ATTEST: / ~%s.~~°;,~,. City Clerk or x; •