Minutes 1958-07-01 10~ , Arroyo Grande 5:3o P.~. a,~ 1958 An adjourned meeting was held ~ri.th ~~a.yor ~urt presiding, Upon roll call ~o~zncilmen Pence and Hartwi:g reported present. Councilman Lee axrived later. ~ouncil.man Jaeobs absent. I~r. Harris read the Ordinance se-~ting the time and place of the election with the names of the officers appointed to`seree on the eleetion board. No further business appearing, upon motion the meetin.g adjotarned, _ , /"~7 ".7 ATTEST: r~ ,.s.~._..~.~~ i ~ ~ , it~r lerk ' Arro~ Grande' ~al3f. Julg 8, 195$ . The 6ity Cowac~.7. me€ in re~u].ar sess3.on with ~1ay~r BUrt presid3.~. ~n roll ca].l ~o~uncilraen Lee, Penee, Jacabs arid gartvig reported gres~nt, Minutes nf the previous regu3.ar and ad~onrned azeetings ~rer~ r~d and approved as read. A letter received fro~ the ~ity~ of P~.smc Beach requesting evr~sent ta the ~tion of Fi~mc Oaks ~tate~ was read and t~he tollc~ing re+~cl~ adopted. a~so~UTION No. 39? RESQLVED, T~T THE CIT7C OF ARROY~ GRAND~ CONSENTS T4 THE GO~NG~MENT OF ANNEXATI(1N PROC~INGS TO TH~ PftflPERTY RSQUESTEU. ~n moti€?n of Counci].man Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and by the follot~ing ro31 cs1~. ~o~, to-wit: ' ~YESs {~uacilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and HartWig. ~ ~T4ffi a Bto~ AB5E@TT: ~tirae t~he fcregoing re~oln~ion was adopted, _ . Ther heading of Orda.nance i~o. 12~ was read and a motion by Council~san 7.~es~ seconded by Gouncilr~an Jacabs tow~i.ve readi.ng the. bal~n,~e at the Ordinance. l+~tion carried.