Minutes 1958-07-15 10~ c~~cE r~~. a25 . .~N_ OR]~Slif~'CL ~F ; TAE_ CTTY ~F 1~Rt3Y0 Q~ANI~ CALLING A SPHC?AL EG~TI~A TO BE HSLD flAT THE 8th OF SEPTEd~F~Et, 195$~ P~lTAINIT~G Tfl THE . dl+~tF,~~ATIOAT OF FAIR OAKS 1~.J4R 3'C) fiHE CITY OP' ~OYO QR~1stDL. _ _ _ Lh~ mntion cf ~ounci.lmazi Jacobs, ~econded by~ Cotxn.cilman Leea and by the folta~aing roll call votes to-~3~.ts ~Yl~: Cotu~cil~en Burt, Lee~ Pence, dacob~ end Hartvig. 1~ES: None ABSENT: ~Tone t~e foregain~; Ordinance i~a$ adc~pted this 8th c~y vf Ju1y, 1958. . Bills agaf.n~t the Genera3. 1''w~.d for $10~486.57i the Water Fu~d . far ~862,]1i t~e Se~rer Rental Fund for ~?I~.67 anrd the ~ater Depo~it Fu~d ~'ar ~78,65 ~~re sua~.tea, ~.~rov~a ~a ordered pa3.d, It was m4ved~ aecor~~d anci carried t~t tran~~e~r Vouchers ~to, 89 through 9!~ be approved for t,ransf~. ~ta further busin~ss appearing~ the ~eeting was ~cl,journed to July 15th, 1958 at $ F.M. ~ ~ ATTFST: . ~ ~ , , it~y lerk . ~ Jul~' 15i 1958 8 P,M. The City Cou~ciZ, a~e~ in an atid~ourned sessi~ vith ~ar Burt presictit~g. t~pon ra11 call Councila~a i,ee~ ge~ce, Jacobs a~ad ~artsr3.g repert,ed pre~ent. ~e bids t~re oper~sd far the ~istallat3on of s~rs tc~ fi,~ ~ei.dker px~oper~ty and om ~raticn of ~auncilman I~ee, ~econd~d by Cow~cil~a~ Jacobs, t~ bids ~,~er~ taken uader adviseraent, Bids from Sh~rg~ CQnstruction and ~obert ~Talker for ca~l~uctian af the f'~.re' h4u~e were ope~ed and on Motian of ~cunci].~n Leei sacond~d b~r Ccuncilmar~ Jaccb~ the bicl~ ~rere t~akea und+s~ advise~?en~. B~r. ~,nei,arson rept~rted persons ~rrsre 3.nterested i~? a road~,,y frc~ Halcyoa Road te~ Qalley ~ad and he agreed to contact prap~rty oanerB a'bout obtaining a right ~f way fc>r a road, Cout~cilm~uu Pence ~oved tbat the b3.11 ~car re~la~catiorr of Xat~r Ii~r be approved a~s billed~ the matimn wa.s seconded by ~ouacil~an Le~ aad _ all ~ vofi~ed ~,ye. ~ ~os . .~kr. _ Harris read_ the orcLi~anee he had _pregared reqt~i.ring dogs tc~ be vaacinated before s license would be 3.ssusd. Mr. ~ia~rz~is~ them read an ordLnanee ~u~di.ng ~rdinance ~To. 125 for td~e first time. The prct3.~aee ~ to change the date of the eleetian frc~ September 8th to Spptember 2nd, 1958. No further buaine~~ appearing, crn m~tion the meeting ad~o~umed. ~z~ -~r ATTffiT: ~7-sC~~~`~ L ~ ity ierk Arroyo tirande, Cali~. Julg 22, 19~8 The City Council r~t im rege~l.ar sessi+~n ~rith ~1a~ror Burt presiding. Upo~ rcll call Councilmen 7+ee~ Fence~ Jacabs and Hartwig regcrted pre~ent. The Minutes of the previous regul~r and ad~ourned I~eetings were read and approved a$ read. The heading of Ordinance ~126 was read and ~ mction was n~d+e by Gaun+~ilmaxa Jacobs to ~ive reading the balance of the 4rdinance, fi~e motion was seccnd~d by Gc~uncilman Hartwig and p~ssed by~ the fo1lo~.ng rc~11 call ~ote, ta-~rit: A~res : Gouneiln~en Burt, Lee, Fenee, Jaccrbs and H~rtra~.g. ORDINANCE N0. 126 QftDIP~NCE OF THE CITY OF ARROY4 GA.~NDE AM~IAtG ~RDI~TANCE 1~~. 125~ OF THE CITY OF 1~RR~YO GRANDE EA~T~~A, " AN ORDINANCE OF THE ~I~'S.' OF ARR(3Y0 GHAND~ C~LLING A SPECZI~Iy E~EG~"IO~T TO BE HI~I,D ~N THE 8th UAY ~F SEPTk~Eft~ 1958i PF~EtT~:I~tIBtG TO THE ANN~&TI~N ~F FAIR ~AKS ~,JOR TQ THE CITY 4F ~RROYQ C~AND~~" DEGLAR.ING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE ~1 ~GENCY ORDI~TA:~iCE AND STATSNG THE REA~SONS : , T~'OR. On motion of Couneilman P~nee, seconded by ~ouncilman Lee, and on the fal7.bwing ro11 call vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Burt, I,ee, Pence, Jaeabs and Fiart~r3.g. Noes: None Absen't: Btane ~he fore~oing Ordinanee was adopted thi.s 22nd day of July 395~. The bid on tha fire house was discussed and Mr. Ander~on was to check vith Mr. Harris. The heading af Ordinance ~127 ~ras read and a motion was made by Councilman Penee, secoxided by Counci2man ~axtwig tv waiee reading the balance af the Ordinance. f3n roll call. vote all members voted Aye.