Minutes 1958-08-05 : : ~.og The offer ~ade bg the City ~a,s acceptable to the subd.ividers and they ssked ` if the same €~ffer would be made on the Grand Ave. subdivision they ~re Warking an. The Citp Ga~ncil agreed the same policy would be used on the Grand Ave. Subci3.~.sion. Meeting adjourned. ~ OTTESTt ~ ~ - / ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ' ~J E,~ . ity lerk 3rr ~xroyo G~ancc~ee~ Calif. 8 P.~., ~u~u~t 5, 195$ Informal meeting of City Cotxncil with Mayor Burt presicli.ng. Upon rc~ll ca11 Councilmen, Lee, Pence, J~~obs and Hartwig reported present, ~sa, pres~t°~ost of the property o~raers who had been notified of the meetin~ t~c~ di.~cuss a I~€rad Right of Way from Halcyron Road tc> Va]1ey Raod. .~11. prcrperty o~an~rs were appesed to a rc~ad-way at this time a~ t~ey did not feel there ~as a need for it nc~r. It ~ras agreed to re~er the planning of a raad tc~ the City g].anrrf.ng Gs~i.s~ian to ~rork with the County F1ann3.ng Co~rrm3.ssion for a Master Fl~nn for ~'v.ture road, both Cnunty and other wise. ~eeting ad~ourned. , , ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ C~~ /G r ` I r ` The reco~endations of the Cit P].annia Gcr~i.ssion aa Traet Nc~. 131 s~r~ Y ~ approved by the City Cour~cil and it s~as a~reed to a11o~r the roll curb~ and . gatters, iY the Tract were annexed ta,the ~ity. 1~rroyo Gr~ncle, Calif. ~ugust 12, 19~8 The ~ity 6oun~il met in regular sessian with Mayor Burt presiding. ~pcn roll call Cout~cil~en Lee and Pence reported present. Ab~ent Coun~ilr~n Jacobs and Hart~i.g. Miriutes c~f the pre~:i.ous re~ul.ar ~eting wsre read and approved as ~nded, M3.nutes of th~ informal ~eetings of Ju1y 23rd and Aug. 5th irere read and s~pprcved. Mayor Burt appo~.nted Couneilman ~ence to represent the City on the Couxrt~ Wat~T' ReSOttTGes B+~3rd.