Minutes 1958-08-12
- The affer made bg the City wa.s aceeptable to the subd3.viders and they asked `
if the sa~e offer would be made on the C~rarut Ave. subda.visian they xere ~rking on.
The Citq Co~ncil agreed ths same policy wotil.d be used on the Grand ~.ve. Subci3.vi~ion.
Meetin~ ad3ourned. ,
~ '"1
ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ' t ,
ity lexk pr
Arroyo t~raiscle~ Ca1if.
8 P,M., ~ugu,st 1958
Informal meeting of City Council with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon rvll call
Co~ancilmex~, Lee, Pence, J~~obs and Hartwig reported present. Alsa, pre~aat most
of the property o~raers who had be~n notafied of the meeting t,c~ cli~cu~a~ a R~ad
ftight of Way from Haleyon Road tc Valley Raad,
~1.1 property oyeners were apposed to a road-~ at this tir~e as they did not
feel, there ~as a need for it no~r,
It ~as agreed to refer the planning a£ a rc>ad tc the City Pla~nn3.n~ Cc~i.ssi4n
to work with the Countp Planning Gom¢ni.ssion for a Master Pla~~ for f'uture road, bath
County and other wise.
~seting ad3ournea. , ,r~
ATTEST: ~ y. :
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` The reco~ueadations of the Cit Plannin Ca~siors oz~ Tra~~ No. 131 ~rer~
~ ~
approved by the Gity Council and it wa.s agreed to allc>w ~he roll curb~ ~id .
gutters~ i.f" the Tract were anne~ed to, tfhe ~ity.
.Arrcyo Granc~e! : Calif.
~.t~u~t 12, 19~8
The ~ity Council met in regular session with Mayor Btart presiding. ~paa
roll eall Councilnren Lee and Pence reported present. Ab~ent Counci3.n~~ Jacebs
and Hartwig.
Nlinutes of the previot~s regular meeting were read ~nd approved '?s am~sndsd.
Minutes of the informal meetings oF Ju3~r 23rd and Aug. 5th were read and
Mayor ~urt appoi.nted Ccuncilman ~'ence to represent the Gity on the Couaty
Water Resotarces Bc~ard.
Anderson was to prepare the description of Tract No. 131 far
Y'~'+ Haz'ris ta draw up the papers for annexation of the property.
Curb and gutter patterns as su~esteci by A. Wood aztd approved b~
$nd~svn were accepted by the City Council members pre~e~t.
" Bi13.s again~t the Genersl Fund f~rr ~1~99~.20~ ~h~ ~ater Ptiind fcr
~38t)2.32, the Se~rer Ben~a1 F'und for ~81.12 and the ~ater I~pagit Fund
for ~28;~p were audLted, appro~ed and ordered paid.
It was n~aqed~ seconded and carried that Vouchers No. 1 tl~rough
No, 8 be aut~horized far t,rarisfer.
1~. Wilkinson and Bon~our were present to ask abaut roll curbs
and gutt~s in Tract ~'o. 10$ if it was ~annexed to the City.
A mation was made by Cavncil~an Fenee~ seconded by Ccauncilma~
Lee to approv~e the rall curbs and gutters as appro~ed by the Courzcil
and Mr'. Anderson~ if Tract No. 108 was armexed, Mc~tion carried,
The °money for seraers had been received from Heidkers az~d ~Tilliam~
and a motion was a~ad+e by ~ouncilman Lee, Seconded by Councilmar~,Pence
to award the Sewer bid to W. M. I,yles Co, i~otion ~arried.
~o further bu~iness appearirig, the meeting ad~ourned.
r' '+~7
ATTESTs ,!i~j~r~ .
ity ` lar~k y;~
Arrayo (3rsnda~ Ca11.i~",
.~ugus~ 26, 1958
Th~ .City Council ~t in regular sess3,c3n vi.th Mayor ~art presiding.
Upen roll call Gounci~men Lee, Pence, Jacobs~ and Hartwig reporte~d
~tes of the previous re~ular ~eeting were re~d and appro~ved ~s
Mr. Andsrson asked abou~. a ref'und flf a portion of the ~ney depesit,ed
bp ~o~i~ ~ost~a for a water lix~e. ~he State had paid far a portian of '~he
installation. Counci:l~an Pence ~ads a mc~tion ~hich ~ra~ ~econdsd t7g •
Gauncil~an Lee to raef'tuad ~5t~.~0 to ~3i.ss Costa. I'~otiou carried.