R 2240 3'J_O~ ....tJ RESOLUTION NO..mD A RESOLUTION OF 11IE CITY COUNCIL OF 11IE Cn'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPrING A PORTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 88-1 TO 11IE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF 11IE GENERAL PLAN RELATING TO WEST BRANCH STREET. WHEREAS, Section 65302(b) of the Califomia Govemnent Code directs. all cities and counties to prepare a General Plan Circulation Element; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has detennined. that it is appropriate and necessary to amend the Circulation Element adopted by the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has not amended the General Plan more than four times in 1988; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on April 12, April 26, May 10, June 28 and July 12, 1988, on the Circulation Element Amendnent GPA 88-1 in accordance with the California Government Code and did solicit and consider public COO1IJent on such amendment; ~_.' and , WHEREAS, the amendnent will provide for greater traffic safety and will im(rove the traffi'1. circulation and capacity in the northwestern portion of the City; and .'" , WHEREAS, the proposed Amencrnent- was reviewed in can~nce with the requireffients of the Califomia Envlronlnental Quality Act (CEQA), and it was detennlned that the project would result in no significant effects on the environnent and, therefore, the reCOO1lJendation of a Negative Peclaration is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby adopt a Negative Peclaration for GPA 88-1, and adopt the portion of General Plan Amendnent 88-1, amending the Circulation Element of the General Plan relating to West DrflI1Ch street as set forth in Exhibit A, Revised Pages of the Circulation Element. On motion by Cbuncil Member Porter , seconded by Council Member.kt1nsO) and by the following roll call vote, to wit: _A11BS: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Moots, Millis and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of.li ly, 1988. ~d..Ll)'~ ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: 'vn a ~ . 'A1MC1~ . CITY CLERK I '-' I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty c.f perjury that the foresoin~ Resolution No. 2240 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on .,the 12th day of July, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of July, 1988, Th~ff a. ~ CITY CLERK .. _n. -.-.-----. ---- -,~.._-~----_._.._---"" J EXHIBIT itA It Resolution No. 2240 . , . 1be Oty ot Arroyo Grande Is currently served by U.s. 101, a tour-Jane floaeway, two JInes In each dfrecrtiOn, which traveJs In _ north-south direction. It provides acces to the recfon ancI8bIoIbs sane ot the trips In the ~ity. . , 'lbe utD1ty of the freeway system depends on pooper Jinkage to the rest of the cIrcu1ation system. . Land near interchange areas is hJghly prized because of accessibmty and vJsibJUty. ~ are focal poJnts for' ccmnercial actMty and may encourage further deve1cpnent. '!be. CCIIIIII11ty DUit CCIOSider the substantial effect ot the freeway on the entire cJrcuJation system, ~1\y streets which interface with the freeway and frontage roads. :. " -- ou.tY ~ CWnty roads canpise the secondary network for the fJow of tretftc between 0Bj0r areas within the County. These are iq)ortant "carDIIter" roads which serve to comeot AIroyo Grande with traffic generatcn and destinations outside the Oty (e.g. San Luis ObIspo, U3pez Lake), as wen ~ rural outlyirc areas. 'County roads are; . Branch MID Road Noyes Road .Carpenter Canyon Oak Park Boulevard Qxobett canyon Printz Road :H81cyon ~d Stagecoach Road : V&lJey Road . , :Lopez DrIve ,-' ~: ,ArterJa]S are major streets ~ the traffic of local and coUector streets to and fran major q-atfic generators. I 1. , IIeP Artsta1s - Provide tor the IOOvement of Jarge whines of thIough-tretfto between , major tratfic generators. '!be Generel PJan proposes that Grand Avenue be cJ88II1Ied as a , ' Major Arterial ~t. Traffic voltme counts (1985), using standard ........ stteet Section information, tnd1cate that,at this tine, only Grand Avenue werrentslDOl'e than one Jane In each dJrectfon. ~ and driveway access should be restrIated on nejor '8rterIaJs. A landscaped median divider is reccmnended to facilitate left tum movements and to DrJJl'Ove the visual appearance ot the arterial corridor. 2~ .... Artaial Sbeets - Provide tor the movement of traffic to and tran coUector streets, major arterial streets and the freeway. Minor arterfats are the foundaticn of an ett1c1ent, . attractive and ~e cJrcuJation system. , , :' ';[1\e t~ routes are pooposed as Minor Arterial Streets: - : .West Branch ~t (Froot8ge Road) aD-foot maxinun Bamett Street (Frontage Road) Pair Oaks Avenue N., 6:, S. Ha1cyoi1 Road (South ot 101) Traffic Way ElCamlno Real (Frontage Road) Valley Road E. Branch Street Huasna Road Brisco Road '!be Pike , South Elm street Oak Park BoWevard - I ., 06ekn: . '!be collector street moves treftic between 10cal and arterial streets. CaUectcr streets ) serve efft~t1y. with little direct access to parceJs and property. , TyplcaJly, a 44-toot pavement on a 64-toot right-of-way is sufficient in residential arees. With such wicJtIw, snooth traffic fJow may be regulated by stop s~ on local streets. 'Ibis eIOSS section wm pemit two moving Janes of traffic, on-street 4 , . . .. !~ Resolution No. 2240 B. Other Arroyo Grande can actively encourage the public to . use alternate forms of transporation which, in turn, wiu both improve circulation and reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. The nearest general aviation airport facfiity is the San Luis Obispo County Airport. A County airport is located in Oceano, serving as both a general a1tcraft and recreation&). aircraft facility. Additional airport facilities are located in Santa Maria. , --- Currently, no railroads serve Arroyo Grande; there is a passenger terminal for AMTRAK in San Luis Obispo connecting the major metropolitan areas on the West Coast. Goods are shipped via train to and from this area, two passenger trains travel to Seattle and Los Angeles, dally. , Port San' Luis, which serves both commercial and sport fishing and provides tacUities , for pleasure boating, is nearby. A number of car rental and recreational . rental companies serve the area. Individuals use mopeds and motorcycles, however, rentals are not available. 'l\vo taxi companies serve the South County and San Luis Obispo area, churches and private schools. provide some private bus transportation. There is one private equestrian tra11 in. Arroyo Grande at this time. The san Luis Obispo region contains an extensive network ot pipe and utility transmission lines - aquaducts operated by various wate~. agencies, natural. gas, electrical, and the telephone transmission lines operated by the utility companies, and petroleum product pipelines under a number of private firms and governmental agencies (see the Safety and Seismic Safety Blement '1.0) (see the Public FacUlties Appendix 9.0). , IV. ISSUES ; Order' does:not denote- time frame or priority; many of these Issues ere lq-term 8Dd/or multi-jurisdictional (see Figures 3.9 and 3.10). A. Issues of Concern :. 1.. ~ Park Boulevard/lligbwa, 101 Intercblqe i ,. . I I R~onstruction of this interchange is needed. Future planned develop- ,- ments in .the Oak Park and Rancho Grande tracts, as .weU IS exteQSive , commercial and residential development occurring' in adjacent Piamo Stach . and Grover. City will increase the. impact on this intersection. Pinal i1 .... decisions are scheduled tor 1988 regarding this intersection. ,~ . ::2. _ Oak Park Boulevard Connection ~ . " \: , City and County plans specify completion and widening of Oak Park .. Boulevard south of Highway 101. to connect Highw3Y 101 and Highway 1. , , While most of this corridor lies within Grover City, Arroyo Grande will be : r~sponsible tor development of a small segment south of the City : Corporation Yard, south of Ash Street (see Figure 3.1.). Additional . traftic moving across the City wID impact Arroyo Grande. ;- 1.9 . . Reso1utiOO No. ~L~V "C '. i - ~ .~~ 5 ~ :? .- '.$ - 0' g ..9. ,-g Q) g: .., :::s ....1 lie>: (,) ,~ """ - ~"'C &. :" (..) , G) .. 0 '(,) Q)Uo: ... ~~ \tel) Q) ~ , . "0 . c: tA . ~ . . . C I . . . t5 . . i ~ 0 ~ ~ : ~ \ """ '. 4 \t) , "0 . . tri .... ,~ . .... ,... . (; .- - -- . (.) U. l , ' i I . ~ , , ~ i .. 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