Minutes 1958-09-02 1~1
~o~o ~~dg, e~.
, . ~:30 P. M, sept. 2, 1958
The City Couryci.l ~t in an ad,jaurned ses~ion ~rith Magc~r &art
pre~i.dir~g. ~pon roll call ~ouncilmen ~'ence, Jacobs and Hartwi~ reported
present. Absent ~otu~eila~ax~ Lee. -
The Wat,er Budget and se~er bt~dgets were diseussed and a~tion
~s made by ~oun~i7.~a Penee seeonded. by Cauncil.rnan ~aaobs to adc>pt
the sewer and uater budgets a~ prepared. .A11 ~bers voted Aye, -
No ftiarther busir~e~s appearing the ~e~tin~ r~s adjoua~ned to 6 P. M,
September 3, 1958. ,
.~,rroyo Grand,e~ Cali.F.
~ Septe~ber 3, 1958 6 P.1~,
The Cc>unc3.l ~et in an ad~ourned session ~i.fi.h Mayar ~urt pre~iding.
Present ~ouneilmen Zee, Jacoba and Hartr~lg. .~b~ent ~ounci.l~n Pence.
1~. Anderson reported he had not been able to cantact prapert~
owners ad~acent to the ~1i1k3nson..BQn~jovr property or 2'ract No. 131 t~
~ee i.f they ~i.shed to ~rtnex to the Ci.ty, It vas agreed fi~c~ try and
contact the praperty owuers and-have A~. Harris prepare the resolutian
for the next ~eeting. •
No further bus~.ness appearing the meet ad~ourned.
~ i ~
i~"?~ ~~,a tfL
ity l~rk ~ or
1958-5g water Budget Figures a~ follows:
Operating Budget , 37,681.~0
Capital Outlay 15,920.1s
R~location of ~later Mai.ns 22 , 862.22 -
~o'I'Ai. BUDG~T ~ ?6,1~63.37
Harry Hart and ~url Slc~an were given ~1~.0~ per month increase each
retraacti4e to July 1, 195$.
se~rer De7,artment Bcia~e~ ~ 5,55~.00