Minutes 1958-09-10 Arroyo Grande, Gal~.f'. S~ptember 1~, 195$ The City Cc?vncil met ia regular ~ession ~rith Mayor Burt pr~sidiag. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee~ Pence and Jacobs repor~~d pre~ent, ~bsent Gouncilman ~r~w3.g. Minntes of the previo~ regular and ad~ourned meetings were read ~nd approved as a~ended. Mr. Jaek Webster's request for anne~tion of hi~ praperty was read and it,wa~ ag~eed to hold it Por ~urther stud~r. It s~as agreed to Write the P. G. and and ask what~ plans ~rere a being made to improve the sex~v3.ce in ~his ~rea. ~h~ 8 hour power failure due to tt}e stcr~ and nnmber of shorter pei~.cds when po~r was o~f ~ant no police radio or pc~wer for the fire sir~,n. Councilman Pence recommended an effort ghould be made to purchase soms ~~nergency equi.p~ent to be u~ed for pw~ps and also at the ~ity Ha,ll to flperate police and fire equipment. The request from Pismo Beach for approval. to annez property ad~ace~.t- to their Cit~r Li~Lts ~as read and a~tion by ~ouneilman ~acob~, seconded bg Councilman Pence tc~ approve the request. Mc>tion carried. Returns of the election of the Fs3.r ~aks Ma~or ar~nexation w~re read. ~otal votes cast were 556. ~o - 3~.]., Yes - 2l~~. The 9 absentee votes were opened and tal7.ied as Follows: Yes - 5' No. -~t. I~aking the Total Nvmber of/~rotres 315 _ Yes -~50. Bill~ agair~t the General Fund for ~755b.92~ the ~later Furtd fur ~31~53.~~ the Water Deposit Fund f'or ~22t.00 and the S~wer Rental F'w~d for ~25.75 were audited~ aPproved and orsiered paid. On ~tion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, aecpnded by Councilma~n Pence, ~~~.er+s No. 9 through No. 16 ~rere authorized for transfer. Motion ea~ried, RFSOLUTION N0. ~.0~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF' THE CI'I'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ESTABL~SH A SPEED LIMIT OF ~5 MILES PER HOUR ON CHERRY AVENUE AND ORCHARD STREET. On mot3on of ~ouncilman Lee~ ~econd~d by Cowacilman 1'ence and by the following roll call vote to-w3.ts AYF~: Councilmen Burt~ Lee, Pence and Jacc~bs NOF~: None ABS~:NT: Cour~ci].man ~ari~g, ' the forego3ng ~esolution xas adopted. It wa~ mQVed, seeonded and carried the m~eting be ad~ourned to ~ueasday! September 16~ 1958 ~t 5:3fl P. M~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ; ' CITY CLF~ftK , y0R