Minutes 1958-09-23 1~~ It was moved and $econded and carried to refer the ~tn~exations ta the City Planning Commi.ssion fvr th~ir app~oval. It was ~ved, seconded and carried to adjourn the ~eting tc 12 Idoon Tuesday, Septe~ber 23, 195$. ~s...~ 'x ATT~ST ; A ~ a ~ ~ ~ _ CITY' CL , .Aicroycr Grande, ~alif, ~ep'~er~ber 23, 1958 ~'kte ~it~ ~ouncril met in regul.ar sessian with ~ayar &~t presicLi~ag. IIpon roll call ~e>un~cilm~en Zee, Pence, ~acobs and ~artwig reparted pre~ent. ~int~tes cf the previow~ regW.ar and ad~ourned ~etirags havin~ be~n read by the Coun~il ~e~bers a~tiQn wa~ me~de by ~ounci].~an ~art~,rig~ ~eccnded by councilm~n ~acoba to dispensse ~tith reading mf the ~.nut~~ ~citi,on carried. ftESt)LUTION Na. 3~p5 x~SOLU~IORt f#IVING~ IJOTIGE 4F PROPOSID~ ANN~.TION ~Q THE CITY OF' ARF~DYa GRAIdDE 4F THAT CERT~,IN tT~NHABIT'~Ta T~tI- TORY D~SCftIBED H~.~IN AI3D ~It~NAT~D ,~S "~'AIR OAYS NC?. 6~" JIND GI~ING NOTICT OF TH~ TTME AND PLA,CE FC?R I~ARINC~ OF PROTESTS. 4a m~otiar~ of ~QU~i].~an Lee, seconded by ~ourr~ ~art~ig~ ~d oa the_~011c~wiing roll call vote, to-wits . - Counci'I.tnen ~t~ ~ee~ Per~e~ ~acmba and ~artWig. NOES s ~fione AB~~iTt lYor~ - th~ fore~cing ~~alution ~ras ad.opted this 23rd c~~ of ~epte~ber 19~8. x~L~rr~o~t ~o. ~6 R~tJLUTT~N (~I9IAiG AtOTICE t7F PftOP~SED ~NATB%ATI~N T'~ ~ THE CITY OF QRROYa QRANDE ~F THAT C~EitT~I~ U~tTNHABITE~ TFR.R.ITORY D~CRIB~3 FIERES~i A.ND DESTGNATED ~S ~F.~ . O;~KS N4. 7~ ~ AND GSVIBTG NOTICE OF TIME .A.ND PLAC~ F4R HEAR,ING aF PRATESfiS. On n~tion of ~ovnc~.lman Zee, se~onded by'~oun~il~n ~enee~ and on the following roll ~a11 vote, to-wit= AYE~: Council~sn Burt, ~ee, Pence~ dacob~ and ~art~ri.~. NOF„S a None 4BS~IdT s Nc~ne the foregoing Resolution ~as adopted this 23rd day of ~eptember, 195~. ~laz~ence Lir~stru~ was prssent to request the ~ouncil ta i~prove ~yrtle: Street. .Al.t~ho it xas not a through street, there Was quite a bit of trav+el on it and it xas very narro~ and in poor shape, The ~auncil di~cussed ths street m~aintenance but no action w~s taken-at this tiaee. Bi]1s against the General Fund for ~3~.31.l~5 were audit~d, ~pproved ~ud ordered paid. . No f~rther business appearing~ the ~neeting ad,~ourned. 1lTTFST: - ~ r~ I I, ~ 0 : . Arroye t3rande~ Ca13.~', October 1.l~., 1958 The ~it~r Council met in regular session with Ma,yor ~urt presiding„ ~poa roll eall Council~n I,ee, ~'snce, Jacobs and r3art~i~ reported present, Mirnites of the previous regu~.ar meeting were read a~ad approved as read. Fire ~hief Marsalek r~parted the volunteer fire~en had eontributed ldb hours work on tehe new fire house' and would be help3ng 'tu clean up lumber f~4m the for~s as they ~+ere striPP~• On motion of ~otuicilman Zee~ seconded by Counei].man Pence the fire cbief vas gi'~en authoritiation to p~chase 15 f~et soft ~ucti.on hoss. ~otimn aarried. dnclerst~n reported he ~ou1.d h~ve the sign, "~tot a through St,z~eet~, i~- ~ta2led or~ Niyrtle St. at Garden. Double Parking for loading and unloading on Braneh Street was di.scussed aad I~3r. Marsa].ek atiggested letters be written to the eorapanies requesting their cooperat~,cn in e~padit~.ng deliverieg. ~r, Marsaiek Was ask~d ta ~urnish a lis~ of names of the companies makir~g delivezy, and~letters would be mailed, Decals and lettering on the City~ Cars and ~qti.ip~sent wa.s di.seussed but xia action t,~.ken, Harris asked about authoriaatian to hire an expert on appraising ef val.tia.tion og the Abel prcperty. ~'here fo].].nwed so~ d3.scu~sion but ~.o actioa t~ras takea. " Bills agair~st the General Fund for ~:1.~~3~lt.33~ the ~Tater Fund for ~ll~00.17~ and t„he Water Depusit F~d for ~243.~ were audited, approved and ordered paid, On motic~n af Counc~.l~a.ri Jacobs, seconded by Conne3lman ~enee~ Voucher~ 1Y4. 17 through No. 26 were suthorised for ~ransier. No f'urther bu~3.ness appear3.ng the aieeting ad~ourned, ATTFST: ~ ~ lr z ez