Minutes 1958-10-14
Clarenc~ Linstruat was prasent to request the ~ouncil t.a i.mprove ~?r~].e'
S#rreet. ll~.thc it Was no~ . a through st~reet, there wars quite a bit ot' trav~l
ar~ it and it t~aas aerg narra~r and in pc~vr shap~. ~he ~ouncil discu$sed the
street m~inter~ance but no action ~ras taken at this ti~e. :
Bi11s against the ~eneral Fund for ~3~31.lt5 were aud3.ted, a~ppro~red a~d
ordered paid.
No ~rther business appearing~ the meeting ad~urned.
- .
ATTEST: ~ ~ -e!: ~ ~ , ~
. ~rroyv t~t'aride~ Galif.
Oct~ber 1.1~! 1958
The ~it~ eouncil met in regu2ar sessifln with Mayor ~urt pres3.ding. ~poa
ro71 call Council~n Lee~ ~'ence, dacobs and Hart~,rig reported present,
Minutes cf the previous re~u].ar meeting wers read and approved as read,
F3x~ ~hief Ntarsalek reported the ~lunteer fire~en had cantr3buted 166 ho~~
~ork on the ne~rr fire housef and Wou].d be h~lping ~tro clean up lumber fr4m the
for~s as the~ xere ~tripped,
thz motiern of ~oune3.lman Lee, seeonded by Councilman Pence the fire cbieF ~a~
gi~en a~thorizatioa ta p~eha~e 15 feet ~oft ~uc~ic~n hoee. ~tion carr3ed.
Mr. ~nc~on reported he xould have the s3gn, "~'ot a throv:gh S~re~st~. i~-
~talled on I~rtle St. ~t (~arden.
Double Parking ~'or lcading and ur~7.c~adi.ug on Braneh Street was discu~~ed sad
Mr. Marsalek suggested letters be wxitte~ to the campanie~ requesting ~heir
coaperat~on in axped3~ir~ del3.ver~.~s. ~r. 2~rsalek r~ras asked to .furnish a Zist c>f
~s of the aompanies making deliqery, and~letters ~rou2d be a~ailed.
Decals and lettering on the ~ity Gars and Equipment ~ra.~ disenssed but nm
action t.aken.
Mr. Harris asked about authori~ation to hire an e~ert on appra3.sing af -
valuation on the Abel property. ~`here ~allowed so~ discu~sion but Ao ~ction
was taken. "
Bills s~ainst the t~eneral I''und f or ~7.5, 35~t. 33, the ~Tater F~d ~'or ~1~a0.17 ~
and the Water Deposit Furid for ~2~.00 were auditeds apProved and ordered paid.
Qn mo~ion cf Caur~cil~ari Jacobs, seconded by Coun~il~nan Yenees ~oucher~ N~. 17
through No. 26 ~ere suthori~ed for Transfer.
No further bu~3ness appearr3.~ng the ~eeting ac~journed,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A~1'BST: ~ ~ ~