Minutes 1958-10-28 , ~rrc>yo Grande, GaliP.
Octc>ber 28~ 19~
~ The Gity Council met in regular session with J, fl, P$nee, Mayc~r Pra Te~y
presiding. Upon ro11 ea3]. Gouneilmen Lee anc~ Hartwig repc>x~ted present. A~ent
M83i'(~'- $L~I''t 823Ed Gpt~Ti<:~~.~Tl dACObS~
I~i.nutes of the previous reguiar ~eti~~ ~rere r~ad and appraved as read.
The Report fro~ the P. G, and E. was read and held aver for f'~rther
• st.uc~.
- ~'he letter-fram.T~r. and Mr$. Frank Langenbeck was read and a le~ter t~as
to be written to L, E. Webb Construetion Co. to see xha~ waa b~:ing done ~bout
repa3ring the damage. _
l~r. Wizeraan asked about City participa~ion on drainage in ~i.s subdivi~io~
to ixuxease th~ p~,pe from 15" tc> 1$" to take care af water f'ro~ ~.l.pine St.ree~.
The 6~t t?t~ the City ifiould be ~100.~. On n~otion of Couaci].~an Lee, saconded
b~ ~ouncil~tan ~rt~i.g, it ~ras a~reed to pay t~e ~1QO.OU far the City's share.
Motion carried.
Mr, lnderson a~ked abc~ut runnin~; a sdater Iine fro~ Ehiltoa fi~v Pid~U. S.
1E31 to take care of 2~eters for Mr, Fmerson. Af'ter discussion, a motian w~s
m:de bg Coune3la~an Hartwig~ s~conded by Councilman Lee to i~tall a 6" lir~
fro~ Chilton to the ~:g~ra~r, ~Iotion carried.
Pvarehase of 3~00 feet of ana 3~ fe~t o.~ bn Cement Asbestos pipe
was di~cussed and it was agreed to wait until al1 members of Go~ncil t~ere
present to call for bids.
1h'ainage on Tract No. 131 xas discussed and the City partic~pation vould
~mourrt to ~38f1.00 to take care of drai.nage on Halcyan Road. This mat~ter ~ras
tabled to d3.scuss w3.th other n~embers of the council before any actian ~ taken.
It ~s agreed to-have Harris write a letter to the Courity asking~the~
to take the ~ter drainage f~ro~ Elm Street of~ of t,he Gity propertg.
1'he Clerk was asked to Nrite a letter •to the Bcrard of Su~,ervi~oors aski~g
it' they have ar~y plan for a Atast~er Plan on drainage mf the area weet of the
Bi].a.s agaiz~t the Qeneral ~uz~d for ~3~16.01~ ~tere auditecl appraved ~nd •
ordered paid.
No further bu~in~ss appearinga uPon ~otian th~ ~eet~g was ad~jourtted tc~
7:30 P. M. October 30th~ 1958.
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